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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Retirement Money

Has any retired person out there gotten their $1,200.00 check yet.


  1. Yes. Deposited to my SSA acct. on the 29th of April.

  2. NO and the SSI has my direct deposit info. I presume I will be last being a CONSERVATIVE and not a welfare liberal socialist.

    1. @2:52 you're insulting "welfare liberal socialists" as you complain about not getting your government check we're all getting for essentially doing nothing... See the irony here?

    2. Isn't SSI a form of welfare by today's standards. Not that you are not deserving - many do and it is nothing but welfare since they can work.

    3. SSI is not a retirement fund the last I heard.

  3. You getting that desperate Joe?

    1. You know what ? I'm tired or reading your shit! Why don't you do all of the rest of us a favor and just go away. Far away.

    2. Ditto - stop reading 8f you are not happy.

  4. No from Florida

  5. Yes. I rececived mine by mail last week. Don't know why they didn't direcct deposit with my SS. Was glad to receive it because not working part time from this Covid 19.

  6. Did you file a tax return in 2018? If you didn't you have to go online or call them to give your information or you won't get anything.

    I called them ~3 weeks ago and got my refund within about a week.

    1. No you don't. They changed that requirement for people getting social security. Only have to contact if you have dependants under 17.

  7. Yes, I contacted the IRS.gov to have it sent to my bank account. Since we are married the check came for $2,400.00 last week.

  8. My deceased Mother-in-law (more than a year) got hers.

    1. A surviving family member, like YOUR SPOUSE is required to contact SS and report her death. Obviously you didn’t do that so your could be found guilty of fraud if sign your deceased Mother-in-law’s check and cash it.

  9. yes. rec. $1200.00 4-15-20

  10. Yep right when it came out.

    I file taxes electronically and still have direct deposit set up.

  11. Yes both me and my wife. 2 weeks ago. It just showed up

  12. Their check? Same simpletons that yell scream and cry about giving food assistance to kids and families, housing assistance and other public safety net programs to the less fortunate and needy. Same ones that trash socialism and socialist programs all while cashing a Social Security check the they will swear they earned and paid into. Meanwhile they have already drawn 8 times what they ever put in. Yea, those nimrods.

    1. Why don’t you tell us what you’re thinking nimnuts.

    2. Wow. Sorry you lost your temper,3:33.

  13. Two of us in this household NO CHECKS YET ???

  14. Physical check not sure - but I know numerous people collecting Social Security as well as social security disability that have received the $1200.00 stimulus direct deposited.

  15. I got mine on April 15, I've been retired for 12 years.

  16. Yes and I gave it away to charity.

  17. No! Nor the wife!

  18. Yes, but although I'm retired, I did go back to work a few years after my initial retirement. Probably doesn't answer your particular question.

  19. I did. I was expecting an electronic deposit to the same account my SS check goes in to, but got a paper check May 4th.

  20. got it on 4/15 in direct deposit...

  21. Yes, my mom got hers two weeks ago, I believe.

  22. I did too. My wife's and my check were deposited into my checking account in April.

  23. i got a direct deposit the 1st week.

  24. 3:22

    Your mother in law got the check because she voted dumbocrat in November.

  25. Trust fund it to large

  26. Neither wife nor myself. SS both of us is direct deposit. Filed taxes 2018 and 2019.

  27. Hey Robinson, why don't you STFU with your anonymous comments I keep rejecting. Yeah, you went away for a long while but now your back after I called you out. Not man enough to use your real name but as you know I know your writing style. By the way Idiot, I'm not old enough for social security.

  28. No. I filed in February so they have my current info.
    I also get SS direct deposited.
    When I went on line it said they don’t have my bank info. So I am waiting on a check. I read they will be sending out five million starting last week. I am just perplexed on how the government has deposited a check in my account the third week of the month every month for the last four years but they can’t figure out my bank account number.
    Left hand/right hand.

  29. Hey Joe I didn't know you had problems with that momma's boy John Robinson. That punk hasn't done an honest days work in his life. He ran through the little bit of estate his mommy and daddy left him then got his father in-law to dip into his teamsters pension to fund his bullshit skate park. Hey Robinson why don't you tear down that building on route 13 south you tried to collect insurance money on from the "fire"

  30. Of course I have plus the $600. bonus. Now, Pelosie wants to give me more until I die. WHO can complain?

    1. True American - not 😑

  31. LOL Joe that’s gold

  32. I got my Gubment Cheese, and donated $500 cash and $150 of pet beds & toys to the local animal shelter, and $500 of food to the homeless shelter, and buying Silver with the rest!

    1. What are your plans for silver - can't take it with you. Spend it idiot get the economy going again so we can collect social security and Medicare. So Americans can feed their families and get back their freedoms.

  33. Said they would mail it 5/8. Got it 5/11. Evidently Treasury and SS have different software so had to mail it.

  34. I don't get my IRS or Md tax return check direct deposited,but my SSI check is direct deposited as is my wife's check.Neither of us have received our $1200 check yet.

    1. SSI check - maybe not deserving of a stimulus check. Already receiving taxpayers money. No double dippers!

  35. Nope, not yet.

  36. My 87 year old father has not.

  37. Yes, we both got ours about 2 weeks ago in the mail.

  38. local and retiredMay 13, 2020 at 8:40 PM

    nope.....no way

  39. Hey Joey, do us all a favor, go lick some infected surfaces. Better yet, take a caliber of your choosing, insert and squeeze.

  40. Social Security Disability - have not received it yet. Received a letter that it would be coming. Didn't say when.

  41. John Robinson, YOU are the biggest scum bag in Salisbury. Joe has your number and so does a lot of other people in this town. We all know what a LIAR you are. You think you are some big shot. Your parents didn't raise you to be such an ASS. Joe is a WINNER and you are a LOSER.Now take that and stick it up your big FAT ASS, you are a nobody trying to be somebody and all these years it hasn't worked. Give it up deadbeat bum.

  42. Yeah, I have mine the only people who are still waiting are those who are waiting for checks. Long story short you have your bank information on file you already have your check. The only ones still waiting did not have their information on file or were to lazy to go to the website and provide the information.

  43. No, I have not.

  44. May 13, 2020 at 5:01 PM:

    Damn Joe, you've gone crazy. Now you are rejecting and rebutting anonymous comments, so you can direct your vitriol to an individual that you obviously don't like. You have lost your freaking mind. I love how in the past you have accused me of being someone else that you have an issue with. Your paranoia runs deep. It's quite funny how wrong you can be.

    1. Please get off this blog if you can't say something useful. Twit. From 🌴

  45. Both us ..No have not received

  46. Yes, but my daughter has not.

  47. Got my $1200.00 two weeks ago. Much to my surprise last week I got another $1200.00 by check in the mail.

  48. When Wayne King was running, Robinson was on Wayne's fb page, acting like a know it all when someone brought up his shady past and they got into it. He was crying how he didn't have enough insurance on the place and took a huge loss, that's why he didn't pay his 100+K in state taxes he owed and screwed the landlord when he fled downtown and went to the twilley center. He thought everyone was going to feel sorry for him based on the fact that he was a bad business owner and didn't have enough sense to properly insure his business. Conversation didn't quite go in his favor, so he tried to guilt the person who brought it up saying what an awful person they were. Then he went about deleting all his comments / conversations when they didn't go his way and he would repost his original comment as if nothing took place.

    He's as fake as they come.

    I see him on fb kissin jakes behind all the time.

  49. John Robinson - the only John Robinson I know from Salisbury/Fruitland screws up my wall clock. I didn't realize he knew nothing about servicing clocks . Clock never worked the same after in touched it😑

  50. A couple of commenters thought what I thought.I thought it would go into my bank account just like my SS does.Neither my wife or I have received ours.

  51. I collect retirement and social security both of which I paid into for 40 years. I received my check last week. I do not need the money and thought it was a bad idea to just hand out money freely as our politicians chose to do. But I know others whose businesses were shut down when this virus began to spread. Some did not receive the unemployment checks promised. They need help to pay their bills and stay in business. So I am giving them what I received by being a frequent customer and leaving large tips. I believe in helping those who can and do work. That is the American way.

  52. The $1200 check was to go direct deposit to the bank you identified you last refund request with IRS. Wait until Pelosi gets her $2T bailout to Government and illegals and USPS.

  53. No check yet for me on military disability retirement and SS. I don't have to file for tax refunds because its not taxable. The IRS Says that my check is coming even if I didn't file a tax return.

  54. 1200 wouldn't even pay for a good weekend let alone be a substantial hit to monthly expenses. You people are being led right to the slaughter house by both sides of the Senate floor

  55. No, I have not.


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