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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Reopen rally shows rift between Harris, Hogan

CHESTERTOWN — Maryland's two leading Republicans appear to be at odds over whether the coronavirus curve has been flattened enough to reopen the state's economy.

U.S. Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.-1st, while not necessarily calling out Gov. Larry Hogan, a fellow Republican, by name has been very vocal of late in his criticism of the continued shutdown to try to keep COVID-19 at bay. Harris has taken to Facebook to voice his concerns and spoke at a protest held in Salisbury Saturday, May 2.

Hogan, appearing Sunday, May 3 on CNN and Fox News spoke about the need for caution when preparing to reopen the economy. He has laid out a plan for doing so that he said falls within guidelines set out by President Donald Trump's administration.


  1. Harris is using commo sense and Adolf Hogan is governing like the communist 3rd Reich. Hogan lies when he talks because he treats MD residents like trash except for the "elite". They can travel to their no-permanent residence and out of staters to infect the Eastern Shore. Hogan makes you ride your horses in Delaware, since you can only walk beside them in MD.

  2. The very first line is BS!! No way would i classify HOGan as a leading "republican"!!

    1. Leading asshole would be more accurate.

  3. Harris is also a doctor...I believe him more than Adolf Hogan

  4. Damn, wish I knew about the May 2 protest! Why wasnt that in the news?

  5. We wonder why nothing ever gets done locally, at the state and national levels.

    ESPECIALLY during an election year.


  6. I want to know Hogan’s plan for opening schools for the remainder of this Spring 2020 semester. I believe schools will remain closed and the 2019-20 school year is officially, cancelled. If we see a resurgence of COVID-19 in this Fall and into the first half of 2021, like so many are saying, what then is the plan for opening schools? Will overwhelmed parents and bored kids continue with distant learning at home? I doubt it.

    1. Salmon gave several options for the fall for schools. All of which are completely ludicrous. If they do not open as a normal school, I'd look elsewhere for a child's education. It's all busy work for k-8 grade because god forbid the teach to high learners.

  7. 11:37a...the plan was never to reopen the schools. But they couldn’t say that a 2 months ago because kids would all check out and start their summers. Just string them along 2-3 weeks at a time to hopefully get them to do enough online to pass them. I’d imagine in the next week or so it will be announced the school year is over. Teachers can’t get some of the students/parents to even send them a text saying they did an assignment so they can get credit. The gap between the higher and lower performing students is only growing during this.

  8. I have been reading about all the tainted test kits that show a pos result for covid. Tests on goats and fruit in Africa showed a pos result. i wonder if this is why Old Boss Hogg Hogan is hiding Marylands test kits from the Feds.

  9. Harris is way smarter than Hogan and I certainly take his word for everything over the Hogs. He is, after all, a Dr. so I think he knows a little more than the Hog.

  10. I take Harris over Hogan any day.

  11. Of course you take Harris. He is a loyal trooper in the Trump Army


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