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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Putting 'Federal Stimulus Payments' to Good Use

Joe-- I was thinking about the 'federal stimulus payment' that so many of us have received-- $1200 per person-- and the fact that many of us were not in critical financial condition when those checks arrived. Many may still have some or all of that money sitting in the bank.

And I thought about the plight of a real patriot.. Lt. General Mike Flynn. He and his family were destroyed by the FBI. He had to sell his home, and is still facing huge legal bills as a result of the fraudulent case concocted against him by the previous administration.

I think a contribution to the Mike Flynn Defense Fund would be a great way to put some of that money to a very good use. He and the exceptional attorney that is representing him are still doing battle daily, trying to get the phony charges dropped and to restore his good name and reputation. There are significant expenses in a fight like this one, but it is a fight that will benefit all of America. He was framed, and we are being scammed.

I am going to make a donation to his defense fund today, as a way of saying thanks to him for his great life of service to the United States, and to let him know that we stand behind him. He was one of the few who spoke the truth to those in power, and it has cost him dearly.

I hope others will do the same, and will pray for him and his family.


  1. I don't have enough money to donate to every "hero" fighting the injustices of the psychotic left. I think I'll just buy food so I can live to fight another day.


  2. Great idea! I'm in.

  3. The idea behind stimulus Is that it should go into the community to stimulate the economy. I think spending it for local goods and services is the truly patriotic gesture here.

    1. I wouldn't even waste your breath trying to explain that to this person.

    2. You are so correct 4:44

  4. So Freakin out of touch it’s mind blowing. Btw if you qualified for 1200 your not successful person matter of fact your considered a low earner like the rest of us. This is one of the most frustrating post I’ve read and it probably is a troll, congrats troll you got me.

    1. If you qualified for the $1200 you aren’t a successful person? Now that is mind blowing! I didn’t know earning $75000 a year wasn’t considered successful. Regardless you don’t have to make billions of dollars to have money saved up just be responsible. You probably get paid and the first thing you do is get your hair and nails done.


  5. I think we can do both, 3:57. I sure hate the thought of leaving a patriot like Mike Flynn swinging in the wind..

  6. He'll get his own great tell all book deal. If he was that entrenched in this mess he has his own story. It's the chance you take when run with power.

  7. If the attorneys Flynn has representing him did not bankrupt him, he would not have to sell his house. I blame them and will not be donating. They are overpaid paper shufflers.

  8. Lmao this is hilarious. The fact that you qualify for 1200 means you're in the lowest earner field. The fact that you want to give your money to a wealthy man just makes you a fool

  9. Brilliant, give your money to someone who pays less taxes than you every year. Goes to show you just can't fix stupid

  10. BS - framed, bullied, lied to, or whatever if he was dumb enough to plead guilty - he can pay his own bills

  11. Splendid idea my good chap. I will look into that even though I’ve not received a $1200. Stimulus

  12. Maybe Michells Obama will make a movie about this. It would be a great followup to her video documenting her rise to the Whitehouse and doing nothing to deserve it.


  13. ".. if he was dumb enough to plead guilty - he can pay his own bills.."

    The corrupt FBI had already ruined him, and was about to go after his son.

    I can't say I wouldn't do what he did when faced with such a powerful, out-of-control government agency.. take a hit for his son in what looked like a no-win situation.

    Their plan was to destroy him. Of course that costs a lot for defense, not only for the lawyers, but also the fees/filings, etc.

    It's pretty hard to understand some of the hateful feelings here-- I don't see it as 'stupid' or 'foolish' to try to help out someone who has effectively devoted his life to serving his country, and has gone broke doing it.

    Perhaps it is a revelation of the character of the people making such comments.

    In any case, I'd be proud to stand with this man, and I hope others will be too.

  14. But the gentleman could be a millionaire who is retired and now only works 2 days a week. That would make him eligible for the 1200 for all you who are claiming he is a "low wage earner." The twelve hundred was based on one years income, not his lifetime earnings.

  15. If I had it I would donate, tho I'd wish someone to start an go fund Flynn account. That way the funds can be used to get a home back, not pay lawyers. Tho his current lawyer is the very best in the world.
    My research shows Flynn is a true Patriot, the kind that sacrifices himself for others without hesitation, the kind that jumps on a grenade to save his brothers. Flynn pleaded guilty because he knew it was a trap, pleaded guilty because they threatened his son {with false evidence like they were doing to others} He plead guilty so real evidence could be submitted in court, the kind of evidence that exposes the FISA scheme and the corrupt players, even exposes his first corrupt lawyers with Holder{they are the ones that bankrupted him}. Havent you questioned why this corrupt judge Sullivan is acting so strange? Obama and ilk wanted Flynn destroyed because he knew where the bodies were buried, he knows everything. Flynn is a Hero of Hero's, sadly most wont realize till much later, after FISA prosecutions and the next election.

  16. I’d rather throw that $1200 in the Wicomico river.

  17. I feel for Flynn. But if he's that stupid to allow what happened to him. He's been in government for decades. Anytime a cop talks to you. They aren't there for your benefit. They pull you over for one thing and looking for 10 other charges. When has the cop's actually made a situation better,?? Just ask the family of the veteran who they killed in Willow Creek. They asked for help not a funeral.


  18. Excellent comments, 7:35. Well stated, and very true.

    Gen. Flynn is the kind of man just about any military person would want for a commander. You would know he had your back.

    I spent some time at DIA. Gen. Flynn got rammed for giving the true threat assessments, which contradicted the BS that the Obama administration was slinging.

    In other words, he did his job. No dogs, no ponies, no dancing bears.

    Just the unvarnished truth. And for that, they nuked him.

    People are about to learn some important things about the leftist/progressives in this country, and hopefully they will pay attention.

  19. " Anonymous said...
    So Freakin out of touch it’s mind blowing. Btw if you qualified for 1200 your not successful person matter of fact your considered a low earner like the rest of us. This is one of the most frustrating post I’ve read and it probably is a troll, congrats troll you got me.

    May 19, 2020 at 4:07 PM"

    Oh really? It goes by adjusted gross income. Our AGI 2019 $198,000 last year so we didn't qualify. In the meantime our net worth is well into the 8 figures because of investments and zero debt. We have access to millions at any time. I know many who did get the stimulus money because they were under the $175,000 threshold but didn't need it because they have access to millions also at any time.

  20. $75K is fine however the lawyers out there will probably file a case saying the Govt was discriminating those that made a penny more.

    In the big scheme of things anytime you limit a population from anything - it is discrimination, regardless of feelings.

  21. J" Anonymous said...
    But the gentleman could be a millionaire who is retired and now only works 2 days a week. That would make him eligible for the 1200 for all you who are claiming he is a "low wage earner." The twelve hundred was based on one years income, not his lifetime earnings.

    May 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM"


  22. I'm sorry but a 3 star general making six figures a year during a 33 year career and now into retirement will be just fine. Let's not even consider what he'll be doing in speaking fees and book deals. I'm sorry but you people need to start looking to help the lower level of the middle class. They are the ones that foot the bill for the whole damn country

  23. "Anonymous said...
    $75K is fine however the lawyers out there will probably file a case saying the Govt was discriminating those that made a penny more.

    In the big scheme of things anytime you limit a population from anything - it is discrimination, regardless of feelings.

    May 20, 2020 at 9:21 AM"

    Not happening. A discrimination complaint/suit can only be filed if it as against a protected class.

  24. 1043..........Finally someone speaks with intelligence. Thank you for saying what I was thinking.

  25. Hardly a day goes by now without some new revelation of wrongdoing against Mike Flynn by the previous administration.

    But it's important to remember that the battle he is fighting is as much our battle as it is his-- in it, he is exposing how deeply corrupt and criminal the Obama administration was, and it will create opportunities to deal with it.

    If he just rolled over and went to jail, we likely would not have learned much of what we now know.

    But consider what kind of person he is-- he's a General. A warrior. Not a politician. And certainly not the type to walk away from a fight until it has been won.

    He is a patriot, and a true hero.


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