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Friday, May 22, 2020


In accordance with §SC2-4 of the Salisbury City Charter, a majority of the City Council have called for a Special Meeting to be held on Friday, May 22, 2020 for the purpose of approving the following:  

Ordinance No. 2599- 1st reading- to amend Chapter 15.26 Rental Of Residential Premises of the Salisbury City Code by adding Subsection 15.26.035 Rent Increases Barred During States Of Emergency and authorizing the Mayor to issue such executive orders as are necessary to protect tenants from abuse 

The Special Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. via the Zoom meeting and the Public is invited to attend. See meeting information below. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89355638223 Meeting ID: 893 5563 8223 One tap mobile +13017158592,,89355638223# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,89355638223# US (Chicago) Call 1-301-715-8592


  1. So, I have no love lost for Salisbury landlords. However, may I ask? Why can the greedy gas stations raise prices at will, 20-30 cents per gallon, with tens of thousands in gas paid for in the ground at reduced prices. But we can hamstring the landlords, who in many cases haven't been paid rent during this crisis.

    1. I have worked in the retail gasoline business.
      There is zero collusion in the gasoline price market at the retail level. Nobody does it. The penalties are too great for price collusion.

      Now Big Oil is a different story.

  2. Only a fool would give Day a blank check of authority on ANYTHING!

  3. My lease is up on July 31(last 2 years has been increased $25). I'm more afraid of an unreasonable increase, once the SOE is lifted.


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