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Friday, May 01, 2020

Pro-Trump PAC filing FOIA request seeking Biden's Senate records

A group backing President Trump is filing a Freedom of Information Act request seeking to release Joseph R. Biden’s Senate papers that could shine more light on the sexual assault allegation Tara Reade leveled against him.

Great America PAC announced Thursday it is requesting the University of Delaware unseal the records from Mr. Biden’s 36 years in the Senate, which the Democrat’s critics believe could corroborate Ms. Reade’s accusation that he sexually assaulted her in 1993.

“While Democrats leaders and the national media can try to protect Joe Biden by ignoring this serious allegation, the University of Delaware cannot do the same,” said Ed Rollins, the group’s chairman. “As a publicly funded university holding public records, they must immediately release these critical documents in the public interest.”

“If Biden blocks their release, what is he hiding?” Mr. Rollins said.


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