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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Police Are Complicit In Politicians' Disregard For The Rule Of Law

People of a certain age might remember the old John Birch Society slogan "Support your local police!" The idea here is that your local policeman is a liberty-loving buddy of yours who would only ever support just laws and constitutional mandates. Only those bad guys in the FBI or BATF would ever consider violating your rights.

Now, obviously that has always been a rather naïve fantasy, but the notion certainly has a long history of support among American conservatives. The idea that unionized, well-paid government employees sympathize with the common man instead of with the government that signs the cops' checks apparently has long made sense (for some reason) to conservatives and many others.

But thanks to the ongoing "state of emergency" and the fact that state governors, mayors, and health officials now rule by decree, we're witnessing more and more how local law enforcement officers have no particular interest in the rule of law, the Bill of Rights, or basic human rights of any sort. Police have been at the forefront of arresting business owners for the "crime" of using their own private property, using city parks, and engaging in other peaceful activities.

As Judge Napolitano has noted, these "stay-at-home orders" - and the penalties that accompany them - aren't even real laws since they were never passed by a legislature or brought into being by any process other than on the authority of a single person who is usually a state governor or municipal official. By no definition of "rule of law" do these measures meet basic moral requirements for their imposition on peaceful citizens.

But the police are enthusiastically enforcing these edicts nonetheless, and using them as an excuse to harass the taxpayers.

Here are just a few examples from around the United States.



  1. Whats this???? I WAS RIGHT AGAIN??? It is sad you morons need articles like this to prove what I have been telling you every since this all started!!! Demonizing people, hating people and all other BS all becasue you are to stupid and lazy!!!! Some of the best slaves I have ever seen or heard of in my life!!!!

  2. Tell me about it. When they are alive nobody can stand them. Nobody in this country likes politicians unless your family of one. Same thing with cops Nobody likes them unless they are family.

    Yet when they die EVERYONE praises them.

    Weird society.

  3. Bob Aswell...RealistMay 7, 2020 at 5:06 PM

    Well, there are different degrees of influence here. The basic patrol cop and the chain of command are just spokes in the wheel manipulated by politics local and State and Federal. One would think a politician wouldn't be inclined to tamper with the application of the law. Not so, 'the buddie system' prevails moreover in Md. Hogan has himself got caught in the cookie jar and as a result now faces a legal request for relief from one of his own contredans in Md. government. How anal just to play the big role, hopefully he can influence the Judge. Ha, fat chance. (Federal Judge)

    Jerry Jones was a mediocre trooper who wound up with a mediocre job with Md. Transit Authority. Sure, He jumped at the chance to be Md's top cop appointed by Hogan. His actions and directives are the brainchildren of Hogan. He has no choice but to comply because Hogan can also un-appoint. Yet, Jones brags he is the best choice to lead when in fact he has a deficit in application and understanding of Constitutional Law both State and Federal.

    Incompetence comes in many different facets of size and shape...This one is called 'Superintendent' in training. This will be verified when he's called upon to testify against his Boss and proponent, Hogan.

    I can't buy into the cops being the problem but I can't excuse the lack of balls by their superiors in standing up to petty dictators such as Hogan and his hero Cuomo. They'll soon get their day in Court, yet as a defendant's witness.

    Any cop that takes the ethical high ground won't be one long.

  4. He's a faithful follower of brother john birch ...


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