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Monday, May 18, 2020

Physicians Slap Whitmer with a Coronavirus-Related Lawsuit

Grand Health Partners, Wellston Medical Center, Primary Health Services and patient Jeffery Gulick on Tuesday filed a lawsuitagainst Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), State Attorney General Dana Nessel and State Health Director Robert Gordon over the state's stay-at-home order.

According to the plaintiffs, Whitmer has continually extended her stay-at-home order to "flatten the curve" from the Wuhan coronavirus. The group believes Whitmer continually extending her stay-at-home order – without approval from the state legislature – infringes upon individual rights and liberties.

"Many decisions made in immediate response to protect against the COVID19 threat and the dire, potential public health crisis resulted in severe restrictions on the rights and liberties of both private individuals and businesses," the lawsuit states. "Michigan was no exception."

The plaintiffs also believe Michigan has succeeded in flattening the curve, a sign that so-called "elective" medical procedures can continue.

"Since early March 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has taken drastic, unprecedented, unilateral executive actions in an effort to address the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19—declaring a state of emergency in the State of Michigan and justifying her restriction on rights and liberties based on the very important goal to 'flatten the curve' and avoid overwhelming Michigan’s healthcare system and hospital," the complaint states. "Thankfully, the goal of flattening the curve has been achieved, and the dire predictions of overwhelmed hospitals have not come to pass."



  1. Get her OUT of Govt office !!!!

  2. Im sorry...Gretchen is a bit intriguing. Aside from the shiny face, awful red lipstick...she's still intriguing as a looker.

    Hell, I drank all night - its just me!


    1. I thought she looked nice at first glance. After seeing what a dope she is, I find her unbearable to set sights on. Ugly

  3. Bill Gates or someone must be paying off the holdouts.


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