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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pelosi sneaks tax cut for the wealthy into Democrat stimulus bill

Amid government orders shutting down employment, more than 30 million people in the United States have lost their jobs. Entire industries are months, if not weeks, away from permanent collapse. Disproportionately hurt are low-income workers, more than half of whom report having someone in their household lose a job or take a pay cut as a result of the coronavirus. Nearly 2 in 5 lower-income earners say someone in their household has lost a job outright, and fewer than 1 in 4 have at least a three-month rainy day fund.

In evaluating our spending and re-opening measures, these are the workers and families we must prioritize. After all, higher-income earners are the ones who can disproportionately work from home and already have ample savings. Yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has prioritized giving the wealthy a tax cut in the form of a 'temporary' elimination of the state and local tax deduction cap.



  1. That damn biotch, this is the way she operates, I'll give you something but I'm gonna get more. Too damn bad she and a few others can't get this so called Corona.

  2. Pelosi and the Democrats including Steny Hoyer complained about Trump tax cut favoring big business so what are the Dems doing. They are making it worst and screwing the little person because they will be raising our taxes for this trash substantially. While they get tax breaks / dollars.

  3. Oh no you don't, slick Nancy! We caught ya!

  4. Please excuse me, but I’ve never understood why a new bill being passed has things in it that have absolutely nothing to do with the bill.

  5. Hey guys & gals...Nobody detests that self absorbed political thief more than I, but Nancy only does what shes been allowed to do. The Republicans, could have ended this madness when THEY held the majority in the House and Senate, but AS USUAL they chose to sit on ass and do NOTHING! Nancy's, no different than a kid that knows that if they bitch enough they'll get their way, cuz the parents dont wanna deal with it, so as long as Mitch & his crew keep giving up ground, well...Nancy and Chuck are gonna keep moving the posts. We need to worry more about what OUR teams NOT doing, than what Their team IS doing. Like my old football coach did when WE lost the game...Never once did he blame THEM for winning, instead, he blamed US for losing! We need to take that theory and apply it to the politicians that WE vote for! Have a great day y'all

  6. News flash democrat voters democrat leaders have been furious Trump deleted the wealthy tax cuts and they’ve been fighting to get them back so much looking out for the poor citizens.

  7. she doesn't 'sneak' anything...she's blatant.

  8. Thank God that there are forces to fight this evil.

    1. Uhhh....Where? Who?...If you're referring to Trump, he only actually has power IF our republican officials support him. IF you're referring to our elected Republicans....well, dont hold yer breath, cuz Historically they given in to the left over, and over, and....Arrrggg!


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