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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Obamagate Isn’t a Conspiracy Theory

Those sharing #Obamagate on Twitter would do best to avoid the hysterics we saw from Russian-collusion believers, but they have no reason to ignore the mounting evidence that suggests the Obama administration engaged in serious corruption.

Democrats and their allies, who like to pretend that President Barack Obama’s only scandalous act was wearing a tan suit, are going spend the next few months gas-lighting the public by focusing on the most feverish accusations against Obama. But the fact is that we already have more compelling evidence that the Obama administration engaged in misconduct than we ever did for opening the Russian-collusion investigation.

It is not conspiracy-mongering to note that the investigation into Donald Trump was predicated on an opposition-research document filled with fabulism and, most likely, Russian disinformation.

We know the Justice Department withheld contradictory evidence when it began spying on those in Trump’s orbit. We have proof that many of the relevant FISA warrant applications—almost every one of them, actually—were based on “fabricated” evidence or riddled with errors. We know that members of the Obama administration, who had no genuine role in counterintelligence operations, repeatedly unmasked Trump’s allies. And we now know that, despite a dearth of evidence, the FBI railroaded Michael Flynn into a guilty plea so it could keep the investigation going.

What’s more, the larger context only makes these facts more damning. By 2016, the Obama administration’s intelligence community had normalized domestic spying.

More here


  1. Who cares ? He is out of the picture like Bush and Clinton nothing is going to happen to them. We need to look forward. Get through four more years of this clown and hope a real Republican rises and we can truly drain the swamp reel in big Government and get the economy back on track. He and no one holding office knows how this crisis is going to effect anything nationally and globally and they don't know when to shut up because they are all beholding to investors in their personal " BRAND" that want a piece of the pie.

    1. How about you run. You seem to know how to do better.

    2. If there were any REAL Republicans, we'd have elected them! Trump has done AMAZING things considering not just the pushback from the left, but the massive Republican push back. If the REPUBLICAN party had actually stood behind Trump, we'd have gotten much more done. So, since you know all the answers....Then run...if not. then stand back, and support OUR president!

  2. 5:48, so basically you are saying that you prefer corrupt politicians running the country?

    1. 6:02 Absolutely! Obviously 5:48 has not woken up yet. He/she would prefer a pretty dressed politician with pretty words lying to your face and screwing the American people. Yea let’s go back to the way things used to be🙄 5:48 wake the f up.

  3. Make it STICK !!!! Worse than Watergate !!!! Coupe Attempt !!!

  4. 5:48, you’re a complete and total MORON!

    Unless people are held accountable nothing will change.

    Watergate pales in comparison.

  5. Still a conspiracy theory.

    If we have learned anything from the Dems and the Russian collusion debacle... is that the time to believe something as true is when there is demonstrable evidence for it.

    We follow where the truth leads, no matter if we like it or not. We don't mold the facts to fit our predisposed biases.

    What is apparent is Trumps seeming obsession with Obama.

    1. Who wouldn’t be obsessed knowing the SOB transitioned by sticking it to Trump every way known to the failed dude. Pure trash......


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