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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Now We'll See How the Snowflakes Handle the Barbarians

“The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans,” President John F. Kennedy said at his inaugural in 1961. Today, this generation is passing that torch to invite a new generation of barbarians to burn and loot and pillage, not serve and protect.

The modern urban mayor is epitomized by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, who has chosen not to crack down on the barbarians torching his city, but encourages them to keep the flames hot because “The symbolism of a building cannot outweigh the importance of life.” That laughable, sophomoric statement isn’t going to save anyone or any structure.

That building is not a “symbol.” It has value to the person who owns it. And that’s the problem with Frey and the generation of snowflakes who are moving into positions of power and responsibility. Quite simply, they don’t believe in private property. In fact, they see private property as a genuine evil. So, of course, it doesn’t matter if you burn it. It’s not worth protecting.

We saw this same attitude in Baltimore in 2015 when Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake expressed the notion that protesters should be given space to destroy.



  1. Let the riots happen. They are happening in democrat areas. They want to play stupid game and fight the police they WILL win stupid prizes. Their areas will go under policed leading to more black on black murders and their streets flowing with more black blood then it already is.
    As the chaos continues supplies will stop flowing into those cities. The people living there are already at the bottom and will end up even lower. It will get to the point where the democrats will turn on each other and destroy themselves.

    1. George Sorros paid for thisMay 31, 2020 at 4:23 AM

      In the videos

      I observed many Spanish
      (possibly illegals), fat white Trash women, Antifa playing their clanging chit ...

  2. Get ready for the mayor to ask...”Mr. President, can we have federal funding to rebuild? We have a disaster here”.

  3. Looters went to Beverly Hills now something will be done.

  4. Yup, all run by the authoritarian bluecoats (previously known as Democrats) but sad for those who live in these areas and not part of the violence.

    That said, I thought from the beginning if we didn't open up America and soon we would eventually get to this.

    How sad.

  5. Baltimore turned blue following the 1968 riots. Look what it has become.

    Voting has consequences.


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