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Saturday, May 02, 2020

National Guard, State Police Protecting Maryland's Virus Tests From Feds

Maryland's GOP Gov. Larry Hogan says the National Guard and Maryland State Police are guarding coronavirus tests at a secret location because of concerns they may be seized.

In a video interview with The Washington Post, Hogan said there was "a little bit of concern" about the federal government seizing the tests after governors had their supplies taken.

Maryland recently bought half a million tests from South Korean company LabGenomics for $9 million, Business Insider reported.

"We spent about 22 days and nights dealing with this whole transaction with Korea," Hogan told the Post.

"We dealt with the Korean embassy, folks at the State Department...and our scientists on both sides trying to figure out these tests," Hogan said. "And then at the last moment, I think 24 hours before, we got the sign-off from the FDA and Border and Customs to try to make sure that we landed this plane safely."

Hogan said when the Korean Air jet carrying the 500,000 tests flew into Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, it was met by National Guard troops and state troopers.



  1. This fat piece of shit is nothing but a drama queen

  2. I hope Trump sends in the MARINES then let's see what happens.

    1. So you are hoping for Federal Government Tyranny?

  3. How the F*** is the national guard going to go against a direct order from the president?? As far as the state police ALL law enforcement are showing their true colors. Locally Mike Lewis is about as big a liar there is, talking out of both sides of his skull

    1. Mike Lewis is in the crime business. He talks all this conservative gun rights bullshit but look at his ridiculous budget requests. Their ALL in this together, job security

  4. Why are they being guarded instead of being used?

  5. This is a total crock of childish playground crap from Hogan. If the feds want the tests, they’ll kick the State polices’ butt right out of the way.
    The population of Maryland is just over 6 million. Hogan let a lot of people down when it comes to testing.

  6. Hogan needs to lay off the pipe!! What is he campaigning for now anyway?

  7. I see so many abuses of power by Hogan. It is all obvious so I won't repeat them. He should be brought before the Congress for questioning for wrong doing.

  8. yea, protecting from Dems and their spin

  9. So during all that time he spent exerting all that effort to get SKorean tests, he was totally oblivious as to what he could get in his own country? That the Feds had his back in case he was so inept and incapable of “finding” tests in the US? He is desperately painting himself as some kind of a “hero” while in fact he is another snake politician covering his tracks.

  10. This is all nonsense the Fed does not even have enough tests for the Senate to return. The tests are not even that accurate people having hospital procedures are being tested multiple times before hand until a positive result comes up and even then they are designating COVID positive OR's and proceeding anyway. Doctors are chomping at the bit to ramp up elective surgeries. In many teaching hospitals the Doctors were the first COVID carriers having traveled to conferences and over seas teaching and representing implant companies and Pharma. They were the first to expose the staff not folks rolling into the ER.
    It's not Hospitals skewing the numbers folks they are big business and employ the lowest level unskilled workers to the highest degreed and want to get back to production. They are the modern factories that pay living wages and benefits to all in their employ. Just happens YOU are their product.

  11. Hogan needs to shut-down his Trump anamous - as it was the State of Maryland that cheated in the last election when they cheated Trump out of 7 Electoral delegates and awarded all 10 to Hillary Clinton. It was Maryland that drew 'First Blood'.

  12. First, he has lost his mind and this is bull. But let's play. Ok Gov. You have the National Guard, what's going to happen when the President Federalizes your National Guard? It happened during Viet Nam. Then what would you do. Nothing, game over.

  13. Trump made Hogan look like an ill informed bungled idiot and he’s creating drama to save face

  14. Notice - to all red-blooded Americans - here on the eastern shore we are currently living behind 'enemy lines'. The Maryland legislature threw the last Presidential election. The entire State of MD was red with the exception of Prince Georges, Baltimore, and Mongomery counties. The MD legislature flat out cheated in our election as they awarded all 10 electoral delegates
    to Hillary when Trump should have been awarded at least 7 of the 10. Wake-up folks - we need to take back our State.


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