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Friday, May 01, 2020

Mueller and His Team of Angry Democrats Withheld Evidence, Lied to the Court and Indicted Innocent Men… Are These Crooks Looking at Jail Time?

Yesterday, the DOJ released earth-shattering details about how the Obama-Biden FBI set up General Michael Flynn to sow chaos, destroy his life and sabotage the incoming Trump administration.

Handwritten notes were even released showing the Obama deep state’s intent to sabotage the Trump administration.

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) responded to this momentous news of government corruption by asking if Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his corrupt team of angry Democrat lawyers will face justice for deceiving the American public and lying to the court.



  1. If AG Barr does not prosecute, then all of this is meaningless. Drain the damn swamp!

  2. No. Never happen and it’s going to cost the election. Biden wins then the same old guard will rule for 50 years in America. He raised 60 million during a pandemic and he can’t put together a sentence. But offers America’s tax money to the highest bidder. Let that sink in.

  3. No one will be prosecuted nor charged with any crime due to their political associations and there will be no 'and now the rest of the story'!

  4. Dont worry 10:30 PM. Biden not going to win.

  5. The "trials" would be in Washington DC...the jury pool is 90% democrat...

  6. Two Sets of Laws.

    That's all you need to know to KNOW that ain't nobody going to jail.

    No Democratic, that is....

    Not a single one will ever see the inside of a prison, although the felonies they committed would have surely put YOU OR ME in the big house for a long stretch.
    Two Sets of Laws. Keep cheering!

  7. Mueller and the complete team and participants should be charged with Federal crimes and sent to prison for life. All these same people should be collecting any type of tax payer pensions and benefits. They all should have to give up all assets to repay the Federal Government and anyone they screwed over. They should rot in prison until all expenses have been reimbursed.


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