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Thursday, May 14, 2020

More Than 80 Ballots Mailed to San Pedro Apartment

The Los Angeles County Registrar is investigating how 83 ballots were sent to a single address at a San Pedro apartment.

The unused ballots were found on Saturday by tenant Jerry Mosna, sitting on top of the mailbox center at his apartment building in San Pedro.

The ballots were all addressed to a two bedroom apartment upstairs from Mosna's, belonging to an 89-year-old woman.



  1. Good thing Jerry's an honest man. A sleazebag could have sold them to a ballot harvester for a nice price.

  2. This is so what's wrong with these damn mail in ballots. Absolutely hate this. I am willing to stand in line to vote and that's what I want to do but are we going to be given the option to do that? I seriously doubt it. Wrong, just so wrong.

  3. Democrats,Democrats, Democrats!!!

  4. So Now times that by X for the others democratic sleaze balls receiving such packages. Thats only one out of thousands or millions?.democrats plan to steal this election so you better wake up

  5. By hook or crook. The Democratic party...makes ya proud huh libbies ?

  6. SOooo, do we REALLY need to argue the "possible" corruption aspects of this mail in voting thingy any more? Lololo :) Whew....

  7. Republicans need to learn how to cheat

  8. Good thing California doesnt matter

  9. Proof we need ID voting. NO MAIL-IN BALLOTS.

  10. I can only assume that the ballots are numbered to identify their mailers. AHHHH, sorry. That would only occur if the Republican party were sending them out.

  11. if election fraud is ongoing and elections are stolen by this fraud then why are these fraudulent politicians allowed to make laws for the majority who were screwed by said fraud? doesn't make sense to me! what good is the law then?

  12. With all the junk mail and crap I get for ppl at my address, even though I have been her four years, I hope I get some extra ballots cause I am gonna hook someone up LOL


  13. Tip of the iceberg.

  14. I rented a house to a Hispanic family (6) in Accomack and when I stopped by a month later there was 24 people living in it!


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