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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

MLB Owners Approve Plan to Start Season in July

Major League Baseball owners gave the go-ahead Monday to making a proposal to the players’ union that could lead to the coronavirus-delayed season starting around the Fourth of July weekend in ballparks without fans, a plan that envisioned expanding the designated hitter to the National League for 2020.

Spring training would start in early to mid-June, a person familiar with the decision told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the plan were not announced.

Each team would play about 82 regular-season games, most against opponents in its own division with interleague matchups limited to AL East vs. NL East, AL Central vs. NL Central and AL West vs. NL West.



  1. On last nights news a Doctor was on saying you should wear a mask while jogging due to the hard breathing spraying out two hundred million germ particles as you run.
    How are Baseball players going to be safe from each other running, and colliding at the bases? This is stupid! All for a Game, these guy are going to get sick and bring it home and kill their family.
    No sports till a vaccine is made let the sport nut go to Hell!

  2. Yeah....wonder what the players association will try to say with the 50/50 split.

    They would be wise not to say ANYTHING and AGREE while most of the nation is NOT working!!!!

  3. Are they going to attach the sounds of fans cheering, like a laugh track on a comedy series? Thinking back, most of those TV comedies wouldn't have seemed so funny without hearing others laugh. Imagine Seinfeld, Gilligan's Island, etc, etc, without a laugh track.

  4. Look at how powerful the almighty dollar is

    1. It is valued more than people's lives. This is being proven.

  5. Major League Baseball and Manfraud need to grow a Set,and cancel the 2020 season.

  6. Growing a set would involve holding a season.


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