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Friday, May 29, 2020

Minneapolis Mayor to Rioters: Please Practice Social Distancing, Wear Masks

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) requested on Thursday that “protesters” in the City of Lakes practice social distancing and wear masks to reduce coronavirus transmission. The municipal government claimed to provide hundreds of masks to the public for this purpose.

Frey’s comments came during ongoing protests and riots in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, a man who died after a municipal police officer placed his knee on Floyd’s neck while handcuffed.



  1. Kill the protesters do your jobs

  2. This must be like the Super bowl for Race agitator James Yamakawa and his worthless wife

  3. Wellllll that ain't working boss.

  4. "You kids have a good time and be home by eleven!"

    1. And make sure to grab that big screen TV I've been wanting...

  5. Yea it looked like they listened to him. NOT

  6. Don't blame, blame the Morons that voted him in to office. Kind of like Salisbury.

  7. If their is not a spike in covid In this area then I’m not wearing a mask anymore. It’s bs

  8. He is copying that line from another idiot, "Give them room to burn and loot".

  9. " Anonymous said...
    This must be like the Super bowl for Race agitator James Yamakawa and his worthless wife

    May 30, 2020 at 12:42 AM"

    LOL They love whipping up those young black bucks watching them destory then going back to their safe neighborhood. I will never forget when they first came into the scene wanting to be some kind of social justice warriors and I was looking at FB and one page leads to another on there. Anyway some black women were talking not so nice things about them. One brought up that the little wifey's breath was enough to gag a maggot even many feet away from her. One commented "it smells just like tail." I literally laughed out loud over that comment.

  10. They should not re build any thing torn up. Let them live with out a store. And take their ebt cards too. So rediculous. Wasn't there a concern covid was racist? Hum wonder why.

  11. Burn all these liberal crap hole cities down hahaha

  12. this mayor is USELESS; he ans those who voted for him

  13. Northwest Woodsman: This idiot is worried about mask wearing and social distancing? I’m afraid that the civil war that I have been warning of has begun. It is possible that this may slip back into a low intensity conflict, however things are getting out of hand very rapidly. This has gone beyond the death of a black who has quite a criminal record . It is being used as an excuse for expanding the Pedomarxist democrat efforts to destroy our society and, in their minds, insure their return to power. I’d say that there is a 50/50 chance that this current violence will lead to armed encounters between the leftist terrorists and citizens that have had enough and are prepared to defend their property, lives, and culture. I have said all along that we are sitting on a powder keg that is ready to explode. When you combine this Floyd situation with all the other Pedomarxist democrat BS, Including the WhuFlu panic, it may have reached ignition point. I’m prepared and due to my pessimistic nature, have been patiently waiting for the battles to begin foe quite some time. It will start with small, groups engaging along racial and ideological lines and eventually increasing in intensity to a point where government intervention will be ineffective and it will be up to individual citizens to organize along their ideological orientation. If this continues even for a few days more, it increases the danger of chaos, especially in cities like Baltimore, Detroit, etc. Exciting times, so as I have said in the past, prepare yourselves.

  14. LOL and please wash you hands for 30 seconds after you touch the items you stole from the stores you broke into.

  15. Weak Leaders need to be Fired !!!


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