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Friday, May 08, 2020

Michigan Health Center Workers Stage “Fake Patients” In COVID19 Testing Line For CBS News


  1. I'm tired of commenting on this stuff now.

    I called BS on this virus from day one and I've become a pariah and lost some good friends over it, luckily my family thinks the same.

    Time to shut up, open up, and hope like hell the Trump can get a second term. It's the only chance for our economy to have some sort of a recovery.

  2. This sounds like something PRMC would do. Like those fake awards they brag about getting!

    1. I heard from a Prmc worker that the CEO/COO take turns on who receivedtreceived award of Maryland's 100 successful women award. 😂

  3. No...say it ain't so! But they're our HERO'S.....isnt that what we've been told?? Isnt that that why we're spending 100's of thousands of dollars on flying fighter planes all around the country for??...Pathetic!


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