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Friday, May 01, 2020

Michelle Asks DC Residents to ‘Stay Home’ While Barack Goes Golfing

Former First Lady Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama do not appear to be on the same page regarding Washington, DC’s stay-at-home orders.

Michelle Obama recorded a message for Washington, DC, residents, urging Americans to stay home, even though her husband went golfing in Virginia two days earlier.

“Remember, we urge you to stay home except if you need essential healthcare, essential food or supplies or to go to your essential job,” she said in a message released on Monday. “Thank you and please stay home DC.”

On Sunday, Politico‘s Playbook shared a photo of former President Obama playing golf in Virginia Saturday.



  1. Same old Obama. He plays king.

  2. That’s the problem with Communists


  3. Hypocrisy and deceit are the two main identifying characteristics of a democrat.

  4. He was always do as I say not as I do anyway.

  5. C'mon - do as I SAY, not what I DO!

  6. All goes to credibility and decency. They were not leaders.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: I am so impressed with the Kenyan fraudster and especially his spouse, Michael Robinson.

  8. He has also not missed the call to Prayer at his Masque!

  9. Laws are for THEE, not for ME, apparently all is business ad usual in the Kingdom....freaking hypocrites!

  10. I’m sure CNN will interview him and ask him why he broke the rules every other person is supposed to follow.

  11. Is that what you want back in the White House if Michelle is VP.

  12. Those two (obama and Mooooschelle) are two of the biggest frauds, crooks, hypocrits, racists, bigoted, white hating, self serving, selfish people in the world. He went golfing during some really serious situations during his presidency. They do not care about anyone other than themselves. They are egotistical, arrogant and most anything else you can think of. None of it good. She is the very last thing you want as VP or dogcatcher.


  13. If Coonman the Abortionist can fly his family to the Outer Banks why can't Zero leave quarantine in DC to play golf in an adjoining state that is also locked down? My only two questions about Zero: Was he wearing his Mom jeans? Does Ramadan permit golfing (I don't know)?

    Hypocrites got to hypocrite!


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