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Monday, May 18, 2020

Memo To Mitch: You Won’t Get Judges If You Don’t Hold Resistance Accountable For Russia Hoax

For Americans hoping Senate Republicans might finally engage the Russia collusion hoax seriously, last night’s interview of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell by “Special Report’s” Bret Baier was a tremendous disappointment. McConnell better figure out quickly that if he doesn’t hold the Resistance accountable for the Russia hoax that harmed his party and the entire country for many years, he won’t have a majority in the next term. If it helps to motivate him, he should remember that not having the majority in the next term means he won’t get to confirm judges, an issue he hopes will be his defining legacy.

For three years, a false and dangerous narrative of treasonous collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election was woven throughout the media and government. This conspiracy theory harmed international relations, domestic governance, and the lives of many individuals. It ended when a special counsel probe was finally forced to admit in 2019 that there was no evidence that any American had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, much less anyone close to President Donald Trump.

Debunking this false narrative was for many years left to a very small band of reporters and congressional investigators. Most of the attention-getting congressional work was done on the House side, including the revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign had secretly paid for the false narrative and that there was serious abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in how the government secured wiretaps to spy on Trump campaign affiliates.

McConnell didn’t just whiff on the Russia collusion hoax investigation in general, he failed to investigate after the implosion of the Mueller probe, and he failed to investigate after the inspector general report showing the problems with how the Trump campaign was spied on. He appears ready to fail once again in the aftermath of the Mike Flynn case being withdrawn.

More of Mollie Hemingway's article here


  1. The Turtle needs to put the Senate on overtime and the nominated judge candidates on an assembly line.

    He has done a great job on this so far and needs to maintain the pace.

  2. It's time for the Dinosaurs like Mitch to go. They are STILL the bush crowd. They line their pockets and play like they give a Damn. Talk, talk, talk and nothing changes. I can't believe they aren't going to go after COMEY, Strok, Obama, Biden,clapper, Brennan. And Mitch and the boy's are the swamp too. THIS PROVES IT.


  3. This is an absolutely outstanding article. Thank you for posting it.


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