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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Media in Panic Mode over Latest Presidential Polls

CNN, in their dogged and unending quest to overturn the 2016 presidential election and drive President Trump from office, is in full-on campaign mode. Just as in the last presidential election cycle, opinion polls are a campaign staple of the media and the Democrat party. Polls are not being used as they should, to reflect public opinion, but instead to shape opinion, a form of political propaganda.

CNN commissioned a poll, the results of which were released last week,conducted by SSRS, “an independent research company.” A CNN poll doesn’t mean Brian Stelter and Jim Acosta, also known as dumb and dumber, were on a street corner asking passersby how much they hated the Orange Man.

When CNN reported the poll results, their headline put a ho-hum spin on the poll findings, “Biden tops Trump nationwide, but battlegrounds tilt Trump.” Townhall reported the poll more accurately, “New CNN poll shows Trump crushing Biden in swing states.”

How illustrative that the same poll with the same results was presented so differently, Trump “crushing” in one headline while in another headline results simply “tilt.” In fact, CNN buried the poll results on their homepage as they didn’t like the results. I can’t blame them as it doesn’t fit the CNN narrative.



  1. SSRS = Same Stupid Regurgitated Shite.

  2. Let us bow down facing NY and give praise to His great Name

  3. all the 'experts' seem to miss the point that regular people are very supportive of POTUS. They made this mistake over and over again in 2016. Now, we know the level of corruption, and despite efforts to control the narrative, the President continues to trounce them

  4. President Trump will win by a Landslide. period!!!

    1. He will indeed. The thing that concerns me is it was rigged the last time so the fat ass crook could break a glass ceiling or some chit. Let’s hope they haven’t gotten better at cheating. They have had four more years to perfect the voter fraud.

  5. Seriously? Does anybody put any faith in polls after the 2016 election? They are political tools used to influence, not measure, public opinion. They should be ignored, as they have no validity in predicting outcomes.


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