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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

McConnell: There’s No Pressure To Negotiate On Pelosi Relief Package

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced a $3 trillion fourth coronavirus relief package Tuesday, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is in no hurry to see it come to the floor of the Senate.

Speaking to reporters late Monday, McConnell says he feels no pressure to negotiate with Democrats on the 1,850-page HEROES Act, which contains everything from a student loan bailout to a $375 billion relief package for states and cities with existing debt problems, as the Daily Wire reported Tuesday. The bill also contains a $25 billion bailout for the United States Postal Service, $175 billion in payouts to healthcare providers, and millions to purchase laptops and other items for House Members who need them to vote remotely.

The bill also provides an additional three months of $1,200 stimulus checks for most taxpayers.

Republicans, McConnell said, are still “assessing what we’ve done already,” and will wait to see what impact the CARES Act and other coronavirus spending bills have on the existing economic situation before deciding what further relief might be necessary, Politico reports.

“I’m in constant communication with the White House and if we decide to go forward we’ll go forward together,” McConnell added.



  1. F*** the postal service. That would be 50 billion in less than three months for them to only cry again 6 months from now for billions more. To all you crybabies and family that post on here, YOU'RE DONE!! It's time for restructure

  2. What could possibly go wrong with members like Omar and the rest of the socialist POS having laptops with vital government info on them?? The Democratic party leaders should be tried for treason

  3. Now we know why fat Larry is continuing to bankrupt Maryland

  4. Hogan is still far better than the idiot O’Malley. How easily we forget...

  5. The second paragraph is full of unnecessary spending. That is $575 billion automatically removed. Then go from there with elimination of the amnesty and all other illegal give me.

  6. Just wave at it as it goes by. You may take photos to show your great grandkids.


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