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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Local leaders should make their own decisions on reopening, Gov. Hogan says

Prince George's and Montgomery officials say their counties are not ready for a "phase one" reopening.

A spokesman for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan says Hogan will "actively encourage" local leaders to make the decisions that are best for their areas when it comes to any plans for reopening the state.

Already leaders in Montgomery and Prince George's counties have said their jurisdictions are not ready to move forward with any reopening plan.

Hogan had expressed optimism that Maryland could move to Phase One of a reopening plan sometime this week

"We actively encourage local leaders to make plans and decisions that are best for their residents, and the governor has said there may be some regional aspects to the reopening," Hogan spokesman Michael Ricci said in an email to WUSA9. "It's something we continue to discuss with county leaders."


Publishers Notes: COWARD


  1. Wow. Our national leaders are throwing up their arms? Thats not leading - regardless of politics. Thats not why they were voted in. NATIONAL leaders mind you. We FAIL at local leaders all the time because no one votes.

    The spokesperson must be wrong. People will gravitate to areas open only because we are human.

    Article is even from a DC TV station.


  2. What?
    No Top Down Authoritarian Communist Government Agenda?

  3. I see nothing wrong with what Hogan is doing. Local leaders should be in the best position to make this kind of decision. If you don’t like the decision the local leaders are making then it’s your own fault for voting them in in the first place. If Montgomery County and PG are not ready I don’t see why the Eastern Shore would need to wait to reopen certain businesses. Will people come here because this area is open. Yup true, but they would come from DE or VA too. That’s why you still have to use social distancing. This is the same as States deciding when to reopen. Makes no sense to keep all states on stay at home when certain states have lower numbers. No matter what Hogan does there will be people to criticize.

    1. There is a problem with what he did. It is too little, too late. A lot of local businesses have already suffered great hardships. The other thing that is wrong with what he did is he let his ego run wild. Joe can’t run with his WELL-THOUGHT OUT and SAFE plan, until Governor Hogan allows someone to make that decision. He opens that door TWO DAYS later, keeping a nice day and a little money made from a lot of people. Yes, there is something very wrong with needing to wield control in such a petty manner.


    1. What is even scarier is your cap locks are stuck ON.

    2. As they should BE!! THIS IS attack on our freedoms you thought 911 was bad just wait for this physc op to sink in and the freedoms we lose this time. If you think this is the new normal IS OK YOU SHOULD LEAVE THIS COUNRTY NOW!!!

    3. If the caps scare you 9:57, you are definitely a sheeple.

  5. P.G. County and Montgomery county are the pool of minorities with the combined brain power of a grape . They make decisions based on who can they rape , who can they rob , what can they get away with . Leadership? You got to be kidding me!

  6. Pass the buck , easy way out.

  7. I get the feeling he is trying to “damage control” the backlash from Ocean City’s businesses.

  8. 8:42 The national leaders should absolutely NOT be dictating when and how the states are handling this. The most they should and are doing is offering guidance and when needed assistance. We are a Constitutional Republic and Federalism is a component of our type of government.

    1. No political leader has the right to tell me when I can leave home or where I can go.

  9. 936 not dictating - a national plan (i.e., give confidence to those hiding) and let the governors do what they are empowered to do by law.

    Wild West environment hasn't worked in the past - won't in the present nor future. That is true definition of insanity.

    National plan allows TV to spew, but its up to the governors to have a state implementation plan. Now if that means delegation to the counties - well ohhhhkay. I sure as hell don't trust localities given past practices - but if thats it well lets get at it.

  10. It is the easy way and coward way out!

  11. Hogan simply dosent want to get caught with the blame bag. Realization of his over reach and unlawful demands were a wake-up call via law suits. The fear of justifiable law suits is why OC mayor covered his tail. So called local leaders will hesitate and it will just become a stall tactic until the dik tator dictates. They dont address the unemployment scandal {there is no money hence the technical malfunctions} because they could care less about your business or your ability to keep from starving to death. Withhold the governments paycheck and they will change their tune fast.

  12. Adolph Hogan cannot uphold his Dictatorship decisions and is attempting to stay in the Kitchen while the fire is blazing. Adolf Hogan is easing out the back door because he is losing his popularity within the State, since he allows infected people from other areas come into MD and to the Eastern Shore. Adolf Hogan knows his leadership has collapsed with these dictator decisions. Just look at OC this past weekend. No enforcement unless you are one of his cronies. Adolph Hogan knows now the Public sees his protection of his "elite" group. No body that gets a salary or benefits while dictating others they cannot work should not be drawing any tax payer salary or benefits. These "elite" should be made to repay the State for these expenses. They should be allowed to donate this money to any charity , since that would not be a punishment they have instilled on us but a tax deduction.

  13. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 12, 2020 at 4:23 PM

    What I see is now that he's been sued along with the State, Hoggan knows the following; 1. He's through in politics forever, in any capacity, 2. Things that are elementary are so screwed up they have to be left for someone else to sort out, 3. He knows a Constitutional challenge will be ruled against him, 4. Nobody in their right mind would back him at a chicken fight.

    Now that we are the top eliminator natural asses in Md., Hoggan wants to seem like a nice guy so as to paint over his friendship with his comrade in arms Cuomo and all the dirty laundry accumulated by listening to blockheads like him. He's so backwoods he couldn't see Cuomo was using him to establish a front against Trump and its backfired. The up the roaders always use the bumpkins who are unexpectedly naïve for their purpose, not for Marylanders. Only a fool would buy into a ruse like that thinking they can buck the Federals. Like a kid who's supplied money from Daddy and after his plan doesn't work he pokes his lip out after good ole Dad says NO. Think what Md. is going get after this is over. Ha., Nice going Chief.

  14. Lets see if the local leaders in Wicomico County have the gonads to do what's right and open the County up for the small businessman.

  15. NO, > they need a Babysitter > the Federal Govt to oversee them & their actions !!!

  16. Trump should call the shots , the states are too Incompetant !!!!


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