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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Lawmakers eye reforms to $600 unemployment benefit in bid to save jobs

Lawmakers are eyeing changes to the $600 payment boost to unemployment benefits to alleviate the incentives leading some workers to choose to remain jobless.

Adding to the urgency is that business owners with granted Paycheck Protection Program loans are having a hard time re-hiring furloughed workers because of the unemployment benefit. Yet, if they cannot get those workers back, they risk the loan not being forgiven.

Lawmakers hope to address the problem, which stems from the fact that the increased benefits mean that many would lose money, either by reducing the payment or providing workers with a bonus for staying on the job.



  1. Guess who didn't think that one through.

  2. Oh well, the govt created and caused this so, who gives a shit... But you morons will blame it on the virus!!!! Did you get sick yet???? Did you die yet???? Do you know of anyone who did??? Do you know someone who knows someone that did??? NO??? Geeez how can that be???? this is a pandemic isn't it??? Funny how Hogan will re-open while the numbers are still going up, how is that??? after he said he wouldn't huh??? Notice the virus numbers haven't been posted yet???? isn't it funny how every state is opening up and the same time even the more hurt states??? how is that???? It is all planned that's how!!! you morons will see, sadly it will take the media who lies to you, to tell you for you to believe it, not someone with brains and evidence...

  3. Or did they....??

  4. I dont understand why they got that much to start with. They should have received the same amount that they were bring home. Those of us who have been working the whole time are making the same. If I was them, I would not want to go back to work either.
    the lawmakers should have figured this would happen. But that is how they get reelected, something for nothing.

    1. They set the amount based on what Government “workers” are making.

  5. Oh they thought it through. They stole their billions and now want to take back a measly 600 from the taxpaying citizens

  6. So just inform the appropriate agency that they turned down the job and therefore they will lose future payments.

  7. House Demonrats put that in there for just this reason. Pelosi , Shiff and Schumer are all traitors to the America

  8. all the while self employed that were considered essential and had to work that didnt have the customers coming in making less money

  9. Congressman Massie from Kentucky knew and predicted it. And voted against it.

    1. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

  10. 12:38 I like the way you think

  11. They're talking about scaling it back and hundreds of thousands in Maryland alone haven't even gotten ANYTHING yet. And it's been months now. Typical clueless government. Hey, thanks for nothing! As usual.

  12. My husband is getting the $600 plus his regular unemployment and it has been a mixed blessing for us. I've used the money to get us caught up on bills that had been accumulating since he lost his job in November. But he's not required to look for work because of the shutdown, so he's slacked off on his job hunt-something that I've advised against because the $600 ends 7/31 & he's gonna need a job after that.

  13. People NEED the damn $600.00 & More like the $1200.00 too !!!

    They suffer MORE than any Businesses & should come FIRST !!!

    Plus it ALL should be TAX FREE & not have to give half of it Back to the Govt

    1. Why do you need more money now than before when you were working?

  14. Any sane person would stay unemployed to be collecting way more each week than they did slaving. Who wouldn't?

  15. Some can't stand it to see somebody have anything !!!
    Americans Deserve a Bailout for a change , instead of the Big Companys !!!

  16. so who is going to work and pay tax's so the government will have the money to give to all the lazy a holes that want to stay unemployed. and if everybody gets unemployed where the tax money coming from to give them the free handout

    1. The money will be “manufactured” by the treasury using an “IOU”, which will dilute the value of the money now owned by you and me.....It’s called “inflation” and robs every person of any savings they may have.


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