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Thursday, May 14, 2020

LAPD cops chased off the block trying to enforce social distancing

A cellphone video has emerged showing Los Angeles police officers purportedly trying to enforce social distancing rules and being chased off by unimpressed residents.

The brief recording first surfaced on the Instagram page LAHoodMedia last week. As of Wednesday evening, the video has been viewed more than 39,000 times.

According to information posted on the page, the recording was made by residents of the Pueblo Del Rio public housing project located in the Central-Alameda section of Los Angeles.

In the video, young men brandishing water guns surround a pair of LAPD officers standing next to their patrol vehicle.



  1. They had to go all the way to LA to see that?
    House parties are on just about every block in West Baltimore.
    Police do not enforce any rules at all on these row homes.

  2. This is old, this is not during the pandemic, this was done a year or so ago during the summer months, where people were shooting each other with water guns versus real guns, cops showed up so they shot them with water too...

    1. If you actually watch the video, they very clearly are shouting about "6 feet" and I'm pretty sure someone said Coronavirus. I don't remember any of that last summer.

  3. How come the numbers are not being published anymore if they are still going up???? Yeah fake as all get out yet you moronic slaves will believe anything you are told by the media...

  4. 340 what are you talking about....not the constant slave references...the numbers. Do u wait until Joe provides them? Do u wait for the talking heads to inform you?

    Just look it up via the Johns Hopkins website which provides numbers for the US and World.

    And enough of the slave talk, it shows your ignorant demeanor.

  5. They need to start TASERING these Thug POS.

    1. It was water... GTFO yourself. What would have been epic is to come back with the fire department brush truck and hose them dowm

    2. How is a cop to know what is coming out of the device the punk aims at them. There are toys looking like the real thing (weapon), and real deal like toys. The police would be smart to shoot the punk with a real weapon and see how that effects the punks day.

  6. Still no story about the SPD officer arrested in Delaware for prostitution. U suck!!!!!! News leader my ass!!!!

  7. 527 then find the story and send it to Joe. You need some sunlight.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Chased off by blacks with waterguns? Wow, does that ever demonstrate the quality and motivation of today’s LAPD.


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