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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Joe Biden Was at Meeting Where James Comey Was Told to Brief Trump on Steele Dossier

New revelations about the possible motives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in meeting with then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in January 2017 raise questions about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s role.

Documents unsealed Wednesday, including notes and emails, indicate that FBI agents were not focused on the investigation of Russian “collusion” when they met with Flynn at the White House early in President Donald Trump’s term.

Rather, they were determined to extract an admission, or a lie, that would see Flynn prosecuted or fired.

In one note, an FBI agent wrote: “What’s our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” The agents also appear to admit not having warned Flynn beforehand that he was under investigation.

Flynn had spoken to the Russian ambassador by telephone in late December 2016. The Department of Justice viewed those calls as a potential violation of the Logan Act — an obscure and barely enforced statute that bars private citizens from conducting diplomacy. Flynn was already incoming National Security Advisor at the time. He was later prosecuted for lying to the FBI about those conversations, though it is not clear that he actually did so.



  1. Democrats were and are still only focused on destroying Trump's presidency.

  2. With these latest revelations and the impending release of John Durham's report, the sh!! is going to hit the fan. The higher echelon of the FBI were complicit, that is a given; then they lied to congress. Hopefully Durham's report will also unveil just how involved the Obama administration was including Barack and wild man Joe. Buckle up.

    1. Remember, there may be a “Durham Report” but most of his reporting will be through indictments.


  3. Logan Act dates to 1799, IIRC. Also IIRC, there have been no prosecutions under its provisions, although John Kerry should have been.

    And if Biden was in the meeting when Comey got his marching orders that ties him directly to the sedition. If charged and convicted, instead of execution suggest consideration of his advanced age and condition that he be a one-man chain gang policing the Rt. 1 road berm until he can name all his grandkids without a prompt.

  4. Let's just see how OUR Republican officials handle it. Because I got a feeling that AS USUAL they'll get weak in the knees, worrying about what votes they may lose if they actually PUSH PROSECUTION, that they'll be the loud voice, but wont Pursue jail sentences. Our lo party had really become soft, when they gotta put a dog in the race. Theres only so much our Freedom caucus team can do without the support of the RHINOS, which are many. I sure wish the RIGHT would grow a pair....just saying


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