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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

It’s Party Time! A Laughing Hillary Clinton Pays Tribute to Gov. Cuomo, Not Fallen Troops, in Memorial Day Tweet

Failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton posted a Memorial Day tribute tweet Monday–not to the fallen servicemen and women the national holiday honors, but to fellow Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, praising Cuomo, “for making responsible decisions to keep people safe,” over an old photo of herself, her husband former President Bill Clinton, Gov. Cuomo and those around them uproariously laughing.

Memorial Day comes as the nation marks 100,000 deaths attributed to the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus pandemic that hit New York especially hard the past three months with the Empire State suffering over 29,000 deaths related to the virus.



  1. The nursing home forced admissions killed lots of people who wouldn't be dead now. Nice decision.

  2. He killed 10,000.00 in nursing homes, Hilary. How does she even get "for making responsible decisions to keep people safe.


  3. He should be indicted for the deaths caused by his actions. Unbelievable!

  4. hillary has no idea what Memorial Day is about, not her fault.

  5. She's so freaking self absorbed that she probably doesn't know the purpose of Memorial Day. God Bless America, our Veterans and above all our freedom. Vote Trump 2020.

  6. The decision to release the virus should be our focus. An investigation should take place and charges brought against those who released this weapon. Humanity must demand it regardless of where the investigation goes.

    Furthermore the illegal and immoral lockdowns of society must cease immediately. If not, an organization of Sheriffs should descend upon State Capitals and begin arrests.

  7. he knowingly forced infected people into closed environments that housed the most vulnerable people, how is that not negligent homicide?

    1. It not, you answered your own question. Knowingly (intent), capital murder.

  8. Was anyone expecting anything different from a medically provable psychopath like Hilarious Hillary?

  9. She has always loathed law enforcement and the military. There should be a special place, like maybe Guam, to send these enemies of the USA to just like the UK sent their criminals here and to Australia.

  10. She lost,...get over it!!!

  11. Northwest Woodsman: I recall that once there was a patriotic America but that disappeared in the 1960s sort of concurrent with the Vietnam war. The civil rights act of 1964, the immigration act of 1965 combined with being involved in an illegitimate war in Vietnam which resulted in the deaths of 58 thousand Americans began a decline in patriotism and love for our country. The result has been a Balkanization of the country with certain factions fighting each other in what is best described as a low intensity conflict. That status is about to be overwhelmed at any moment. Eventually one faction will push their agenda too far and the resulting bloodshed will spread into a general civil war. Prepare yourselves.

  12. Time to put Her in a Nursing Home !!!


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