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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

“It’s Coming” — Reporter Adam Housley on Spygate Scandal: Names to Watch… McMaster, Rosenstein and John McCain

Former FOX News reporter put up a series of tweets this weekend on the ongoing Obama spygate scandal. According to Housley the scandal involves corrupt officials from both parties and he suggests that the case is moving swiftly and that these three men are in the crosshairs: H. R. McMaster, Rod Rosenstien and deceased US Senator and Trump-hater John McCain.

Adam Housley: The corruption runs deep and through both parties and it ain’t gonna look good when it’s all said and done.

Adam Housley: It ain’t about Republican and Democrat anymore…it really isn’t. People were given the opportunity to do the right thing and some chose wrong. It’s about right versus wrong.



  1. Last spring I got to dump a bag of cat poop on John McCain's grave.

  2. The war hero john mccain? No way is he involved in something against Trump. No way (sic)

  3. Not surprised about SONGBIRD MC CAIN. He's been a traitor for decades. The only reason he didn't rot in Leavenworth is because daddy and grandpa were admirals.

  4. Oh, I believed very long ago that McCain was very corrupt, my suspicions are not very far off I bet.

  5. Lindsey Graham’s finger prints are all over it.

  6. That weasel Rosenstein needs to pay.

  7. And I bet the weasel Lindsey Graham is John McCains' promise to continue the McCain attack going on against President Trump. Graham has on numerous occasions said he promised he was going to get the bottom of this and that and promised directly to Sean Hannity while on the radio or TV (that means records exist) of his intentions................. He NEVER acts. He is living as John McCain reincarnate and trying to finish the John McCain legacy as a Never-Trumper. Graham belongs in Bollywood. Even Hollywood has standards no matter how low they may be so you read BOLLYWOOD correctly.

  8. McCain got lucky and died so he won`t have to face the consequences of his despicable treason.

    1. You didn’t think through the comment very well. Nobody is lucky to die


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