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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

‘I Exaggerate When I’m Angry’: PAC Releases Scathing Ad Showing Biden Flat-Out Lying In 1987

A political action committee has put out a blistering ad reminding voters that Joe Biden has a very long history of lying.

Joe Biden has never been president — for some very good reasons, the one-minute ad by Restoration PAC says.

The shot cuts to a mostly bald (pre-hair-plugged) Biden at a campaign event in 1987, when he first ran for president.

Biden clashes with a man in the New Hampshire rally, which leads to him claiming he’s smarter than the man, saying he finished in the top half of his law school class and earned three degrees in college.



  1. Biden is a typical democrat if his lips are moving he is lying

  2. The HILARITY of pointing out lying of Biden, and NOT spotlighting Trump.

    Does anyone have more "pants on fires" than Trump? According to Fact Checker... by April 3rd he had made over 18 THOUSAND false or misleading statements in 1,170 days.

    Come on now. It is DEMONSTRABLE that trying to compare the "truthiness" of either candidate that Trump is gonna end up with A LOT of egg on his face!

    I couldn't understand picking Biden as the Dems front man... but it's clear now. No matter what you try to smear him with... Trump will be a worse offender. Slick move.

    1. 8:05- You're a dog face pony soilder!

    2. 8:05 Wow! “Slick move”? Bahahahahaha
      I smell you’re desperation🤣 You’re candidate is a pedophile with full blown dementia. Been in office getting rich off your tax dollars for over 40 years and hasn’t done shit. But yea he’ll make a great president. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. As I recall, the 18000 lies that Trump is accused of saying include every time he said no collusion. Now proven true, lie count is a lie.

    5. Come on girdle tree
      Tell us what you wrote?

  3. This guy is the town clown for sure.

  4. Time for this one to go home.

  5. 8:05 you are delusional.Especially if you are using left wing mouthpiece fact checker --Lol as a guide. please use your brain for once and break out of the liberal prison in which you are enslaved. President Trump worth billions, doesn't take a salary and is the only president to lose money while in office since the founders. He loves this country and is the probably the first president to actually SERVE his country instead of exploit it since the founding fathers. TRUMP 2020

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes 8:24, I agree, thank you
      TRUMP 2020 !!!!

  6. Misleading could be unintentional depending on the source of his info, but flat out lying is NOT, 8:05! Big difference!
    You don't get rich in the private sector by being stupid. You get rich in government by being a crook, everyone knows that. Now you know why Trump will win, he is hands down smarter than any other candidate. So laugh it off in November!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. He was in college long enough to get three degrees is what he meant. 😕

  8. 6:54 His lips are always moving`you're right on.

  9. The only thing that has kept this dufus from weekly ass kick'ns his whole life is his political police protection.

    1. He'll be getting his ass kicked but good in November

  10. His eye lifts are horrible. Like, so obvious. C'mon, man, you can afford better than that.

  11. That's all we have for politicians nowadays are liars. When they get into office I'm amazed if they do 10% of what they said they would.

  12. 8:05

    I guess you will be voting for Joe for Senate in 1918.


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