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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How coronavirus attacks the entire body — damaging the brain, kidneys and more

While the coronavirus is known to cause deadly respiratory problems, research is showing the multitude of ways the disease can ravage the entire body.

Through a growing number of studies, reports and doctors’ experiences, the deadly virus has been linked to issues in everything from the brain to the toes.

Here is a breakdown of the ways COVID-19 can affect different parts of the body:

The coronavirus has been observed to turn eyes red, causing pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, in some patients.

Physicians have suggested that the condition develops in the severely ill, and one study of 38 hospitalized patients in Hubei, China, found that a third had pinkeye.

Neurological symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, impaired consciousness and skeletal-muscle injuries have been documented among cases.



  1. Brain damage huh? Well sounds like we've had this Corona 19 Virus with us since 2008 when Democrats lost their minds and pushed forth a Kenyan for President.

  2. President Trump 2020, 2024, 2028...May 12, 2020 at 10:01 PM

    Damaging the Brain

    well hell, Progressives and far left leaning goons like Josh Hastings, Jake Day , and that goofy Ex Employee of ECI--Susan Dumb Olsen

  3. But it's no different than the seasonal flu remember???

  4. You can't tell me this wasn't engineered

  5. I'm tired of all the fear opinions. If I get sick I'll deal with it.

    1. As that ideology may work for you, it may not for the next person. Each person is allowed to feel however they want about the situation at hand. Who is right? Who is wrong?

  6. " Annoy said...
    But it's no different than the seasonal flu remember???

    May 12, 2020 at 10:20 PM"

    Exactly it is no different. ANY serious infection can attack the entire body. The headlines are misleading It should read "How Coronavirus *CAN* Attack the Entire Body".

    1. @10:20 it sounds as if they are being sarcastic. This is reacting differently than the seasonal flu.

  7. This crap is not a virus, it's not the flu, it's something horrendous released by China meant to wipe out millions of people.

    1. This is a very correct statement!

  8. How do you know the US Government did not release it? Seriously, how would you (or I) know?

    1. We do not know. Knowing they had military games in Wuhan last year does raise suspicion as well. Will we ever know? Probably not.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    This crap is not a virus, it's not the flu, it's something horrendous released by China meant to wipe out millions of people.

    May 13, 2020 at 7:22 AM"

    Not true. It was definitely an accidental release. This because China itself can not afford to lose people. They have become the economic superpower they are because of their people who have to work for pennies in the many factories in China. One of the reasons they tamped down the true risk was so they could hoard up all the equipment and supplies to deal with the virus in China.

    1. You are a joke
      Educate yourself and stop believing what you hear in MSM

  10. 10:20 as stated above any seasonal flu can also attack the entire body because it's an infection. As can any disease or condition of the lungs this because of the oxygen depletion. These headlines do sound scary but the reality is......nothing to see here.

  11. Of course it was done purposely. Anything to try to drag our great country , thanks to Trump, down to hopefully make Trump look bad at election time. Won't work! Trump is the best ever and will be again in 2020!

  12. Very misleading indeed. Nearly 90 percent of those who developed Covid had a KNOWN pre-existing condition. Out of the remaining 10 percent or so many were found to have a previously unknown pre-condition. Any infection not just a coronavirus has the potential to attack the entire body.

  13. "Anonymous said...
    @10:20 it sounds as if they are being sarcastic. This is reacting differently than the seasonal flu.

    May 13, 2020 at 10:53 AM"

    Not true. It reacts the same as any other infection when severe. As a matter of fact severe influenza is characterized by multi organ failure and cytokine storming. On another note the rate of hospitalization this year for the seasonal flu is 68 per 100.000. Covid 28 per 100,000 HOWEVER the rate increases to 95 per 100,000 in those 63 and older.


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