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Friday, May 15, 2020

Hope for a coronavirus treatment: Plasma from recovered patients IS safe for those still suffering the infection, early data from study of 5,000 people suggests

An experimental treatment using blood plasma is safe to use on coronaviruspatients, a new study suggests.

Less than one percent of about 5,000 patients from around the US who received plasma from people who had recovered from the virus suffered 'serious adverse effects.'

Additionally, one week later, only about 15 percent died, which the researchers say is low considering two-thirds were in intensive care.

Health experts say plasma is a potentially changing treatment but, with few donations, doctors have to decide which patients receive it and which do not.



  1. Dems n Nancy will delay anything even if it's 99.9% works.

  2. It's one of the oldest treatments in the book but it doesn't always work so don't get hopes too high. A man I know who lives in FL but has family in Salisbury received it but still didn't make it. He improved for a short while but then went back down.


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