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Friday, May 08, 2020

Here We Go Again


  1. I saw this the other day and it needs to be run on main stream media

  2. I and countless others have downloaded this. It's not going away.

  3. And the tech giants - Yahoo and Google - are already disseminating information describing this doctor as a hack and "discredited" researcher...who the heck are we supposed to believe?

  4. Sure a surprise outbreak. They (the Demorats, Fauci) has had this planned all along. Wake up sheeple! It's frustrating to see so many people staying locked in their homes , afraid to walk outside.


  5. Now unavailable again.

  6. It's not going away. Uhuh. But I agree it should go on mainstream media. I wonder what 60 Minutes would do with this.

  7. EVERYONE needs to watch this. It's time the people learn the REAL truth about those who run this country. This is why the democrats are so scared to death of Trump. That they too, will be exposed.


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