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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Hebron Carinval Canceled


  1. To bad, Thanks Gov. Hogan for this nonsense

  2. Takes time to prepare for these things so you cancel now AND maybe so something later in the year. If not, 2021 it is!

  3. Just means far chief Bush cant stay drunk while working the carnival this year.

  4. He's a drunk that's for sure no hiding it. Shame no carnival though really going to miss those oyster sandwiches.

  5. This is premature.

  6. This is not premature. It takes months for those guys to set up, advertise, order food, prizes etc. Give these guys a break. If the government only allows small crowds, it will cost them more to open than they can make.

  7. All the annual equipment maintenance still has to be done.

  8. You’re gonna see this is one of many excuses for volunteer fire companies to stop working for fundraising. Then they will never do it again. Lazy fat drunks, mark my words

  9. Anonymous said...
    All the annual equipment maintenance still has to be done.

    May 5, 2020 at 6:24 PM

  10. Anonymous said...
    So Sad...

    May 5, 2020 at 5:41 PM

  11. Anonymous said...
    Just means far chief Bush cant stay drunk while working the carnival this year.

    May 5, 2020 at 3:11 PM

  12. There won't be a Hebron fire company if Bush hit's and kills someone flying to calls in the chiefs car. Or when he's passed out in the front seat of the fire engine while in charge so drunk he can't talk on the radio. Or how about slurring his words cause he's so stupid drunk. Man should be ashamed of himself for his actions but it's ok cause it's Bush.

  13. Volunteer fire departments have to host fund raisers to provide the service due to lack of funding from the county. The fire departments should be funded properly to take the demand of volunteers who most already work a full time job and run fire & ems calls. Wicomico county needs to step up to the plate and fund these fire departments properly to take the necessary burden off the volunteers.


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