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Monday, May 18, 2020

Gov. Gavin Newsom to give illegal immigrants $75 million in stimulus money despite cutting $19 billion from schools

California is projected to have a budget deficit of $54.3 billion

Last month, New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy said that he was open to the idea of providing illegal immigrants with $600 a week, despite the state "quite clearly running out of money." Starting on Monday, California will provide up to $75 million to illegal immigrants. The money will be available to the illegal immigrants despite Gov. Gavin Newsom slashing $19 billion in funding for California schools this week.

Newsom's Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project will provide $125 million to illegal immigrants, $75 million will be paid by the state of California and $50 million from private philanthropic groups.

Each adult will be eligible for a one-time payment of $500, and caps out at $1,000 per household, according to the Mercury News.

In order to qualify for the stimulus check, recipients must be at least 18-years-old, an undocumented immigrant who experienced financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic, and did not receive payments from federal COVID-19 support programs such as the CARES Act.



  1. We are being told lies.
    The US Government and most individual State Governments are bankrupt.

    They are stealing the money

  2. When did we stop thinking about and for Americans?

    Was it in the 2000's when we gave money to everyone but ourselves?
    Was it in the early 90's when we became a PC nation?
    Was it in the early 80's with the advent of MTV?
    Was it in the mid 70's when CABLE TV started?
    Couldn't have been the 60's that 10 years was a total wreck!

    Give millions to illegals while your state is deep in the hole....
    When the hell did we stop thinking correctly?

    DAMN its only MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What's America's budget deficit?

  4. For perspective the US deficit was $984 billion in 2019.

  5. Pelosi should be so very proud of him.

  6. Gov. Gavin Newsom to give illegal immigrants $75 million in stimulus money despite cutting $19 billion from schools


    Let's say what the Libtards say about that especially since they are always preaching "it's for the children" when they demand more money for the schools.

    Even a Democrat governor is putting the Mexicans over school children and if the Libs don't go batshit crazy they have no right to complain any longer.

  7. This is on the legal CITEZENS of California's shoulders! THEY need to stand up and FORDID this from happening. NO federal dollars should find their way to California if they dont stop this.

  8. The more people (including illegals), the more population counted on the census. The more people on the census, the more representatives in Congress. So, this is simply buying more power...as usual.

  9. Newsum should be locked up,

  10. 8:33 Exactly, they said years ago, after the financial crisis, they would come for your pension and savings, Well here it is!!!! They did this to beta test and to see if they can fix their mess secretly with a pandemic... Inflation will soon meet reality and all hell will break loose... You haven't seen anything yet if we don't get this economy going...


  11. "...The next time they want to salute and celebrate our heroes, our first responders, our police officers, and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones that will be laid off by cities and counties... here we are at $54.3 billion budget deficit that is directly COVID- induced. It is incumbent upon the federal government to help support these states through this difficult time.."

    --CA Gov. Gavin Newsom

  12. Guess I will need to give up my 75 year citizenship in order to receive my 1200 stimulus

  13. Whoa Whoa Whoa there 921. The word "mexicans" can get you in trouble quick. Just use "illegal immigrants" since that will cover all nationalities.

    I totally "git" your perspective!

    But do indulge me for a second:

    - IF we got rid of all Chinese, then there would be no more Chinese Restaurants!

    - IF we got rid of all Mexicans, then there would be no more Mexican Restaurants!


    Stay safe all!

  14. Kick his ass OUT of Office & send in the Nat'l Guard to Remove ALL
    Illegals & Deport them !!!

    Make the state Pay Back ALL that $$$$ they stole from Americans &
    Gave to Illegals !!!!

  15. A very good reason why the Federal Government should not bailout States from their failures. How can they give away money to illegals if the States are broke?

  16. NEVER Bail out that Damn Radical Traitor state !!! EVER


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