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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Georgia prosecutor called Ahmaud Arbery shooting a ‘justifiable homicide’

A Georgia prosecutor who recused himself from theAhmaud Arbery case waited to bow out until after he told cops the killing was “justifiable homicide” — and sent them a five-point letter outlining why the suspects should not be charged, according to reports.

District Attorney George Barnhill told police after the Feb. 23 fatal shooting that there was insufficient evidence to charge the two white men, Gregory McMichael, 64, and his 34-year-old son, Travis McMichael, after they chased down Arbery and gunned him down with a shotgun, according to a statement released Saturday by the Glynn County Police Department.

“Detectives met with DA George Barnhill Sr. of the Waycross Judicial Circuit the following day and reviewed their findings with him,” said the statement, published Saturday by The Brunswick News. “DA Barnhill, Sr., advised the detectives before noon on Feb. 24, that the act was justifiable homicide and for detectives to continue their investigation and provide him with lab reports and any additional information.”

Barnhill recused himself from the investigation on April 6 because his son is a prosecutor in the Brunswick district attorney’s office, where Gregory McMichael, a former cop, also worked as an investigator.



  1. #1 Its quite crazy how folks on this board constantly rail against government.....until it is a minority who has their civil rights violated

    #2 This is happening in 2020. THIS is why Kapernick was kneeling clowns. While you were so busy sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming about patriotism, this incident illustrates exactly why Kapernick and others were protesting

    #3 Even you all should be able to see the level of corruption here. DA needs to be locked up. How does one take all available evidence and not have a strong suspicion at least that this is a case that needed to be fully investigated, not swiped under the rug as justifiable before viewing all the evidence. Now imagine this is anytime between 1900 - 2010, prior to having cell phone cams readily available. Do you guys really think this kind of thing didn't happen quite often when it was easier to get away with?

  2. Absolutely despicable.

  3. Truly scary that it took this long for the right thing to be done. His only "crime" was jogging while black.

  4. Of course the shooting was justified. Anyone who is honest after watching the video won't deny this. The video shows who the aggressor was. Arberry was getting very violent even as the man with the shotgun was continuing to back up. Arberry kept coming at him trying to hit him in the head.

  5. I agree they should be charged and support that, what I can’t stand is the racially charged media push and even individuals (Lebron James) claiming people of color can’t go for a run anymore etc. I see many unharmed white and black people out every day! They’ll soap box, but the nature of the beast is horrible incidents happen by horrible people. I didn’t see Lebron or as many people up in arms over Tesa Majors, the college student stabbed to death on a stairwell when approached by a few teens who were of color and wanting to rob her. She couldn’t even go for a walk, no outrage there in the community. No “stars” saying white people cant even go for a walk anymore. I support all murder suspects going to prison no matter their race or the race of their victim. Everything is a racial twist any more, it gets old.

  6. Travor Martin all over again. "Jogging" 17 miles from home in a neighborhood where he did not live. Only started "jogging" after he was seen entering and then leaving a house under construction. He walked to the house under construction, but started running when he realized he was seen leaving the house under construction. The is a ton more to this story other than he was "jogging" while black. Just like Travon Martin, he was in a neighborhood where he did not live, and was acting in a very suspicious manner. Riots to follow.....

  7. " Anonymous said...
    Truly scary that it took this long for the right thing to be done. His only "crime" was jogging while black.

    May 11, 2020 at 8:50 AM"

    Either you didn't watch the video or you are a liar. Which is it? Don't dodge this question either. The video clearly and without any question shows that this so called "jogger" (believe that are you are an ignoramus) because extremely violent towards the man with the shotgun. As a matter of fact you can see several times where this man was backing off and this "jogger" kept on attacking him. So again did you fail to watch the video or are you nothing but a bold faced liar?

  8. I don't believe he was only jogging and there is evidence that will come out to show he was involved in criminal activity in this neighborhood.This Aubrey already has an extensive criminal background so we are to believe he is just innocently jogging! Why do you attack a man with a shotgun ? Was this guy on drugs ? He attacked the white man who was retired law enforcement. Funny how this comes up just when the truth is coming out about Obama and his spying on the President and everyone drinks the koolaid meanwhile a black man killed 2 elderly people visiting a grave in Delaware near Bidens hideout and yet no coverage or MSM outrage over that!

  9. We need to wait till all the facts are known. And he was videotaped breaking into a house under construction, a felony in Geogia. A citizen, in Georgia has a right to make a citizen arrest if they have knowledge the person committed a felony. Study Georgia law before jumping to conclusions. There were wrongs done by both parties. We need to hear the whole story before passing judgement. I agree that he did not deserve to die but mistakes were made by both parties. Just asking to wait till all the facts are in before passing harsh judgments on either party.

  10. Anyone who believes this was a "jogger" is incredibly ignorant. If they could have gotten away with saying he was walking home from church or bible study that is the lie would would be being told. Since both are closed down they came up with the he was only out "jogging" lie. They may fool the low IQ among us but never me.

  11. There is new evidence that Arbery was doing robberies in the neighborhood, and was scope out construction sites in the area. So he wasnt just an innocent black jogger.

  12. If I am jogging and I see a person of color in the street with a gun I am going to run away. WTF? How stupid is this kid? You are not bullet proof. No matter what he was doing he was not smart enough to understand he isnt bulletproof.

    Also the media is judging these people on their appearance. Yes they look like slack jawed red necks. But then again the alleged victim looks like a black youth. Guess what? Both are accurate physical descriptions. Neither tells you who they are.

    How bout all of you STFU and wait to see what happens. Rage all you want. The only outcome is you having stress.

    In the mean time how about you talk to your kids about how to handle life instead of being constantly distracted yourselves with technology, tv, drugs, weed, booze, sex. Try loving your kids for real. Not as a side job.

    1. People rail against the govt because it is all powerful at this point.
    2. Kapernick did nothing but widen the divide.
    3. You dont have all the available evidence. You just think you are right and are not smart enough to understand that you actually know very little. Its okay. There are a lot of people just like you.

    9:07am you support murder suspects going to jail? I dont. I support convicted murderers being sent to jail.

  13. I don't think they can get a conviction anyway - the video can be viewed as aggression as well as victim...

  14. What dumb MF'er starts attacking a man with a gun pointed at him?? Those men faced a whole lot of serious charges if the victim had just kept calm. He would still be alive and THEY would likely be in jail. For a while.

    The POLICE will shoot you for making a quick move or "scaring" them.

    NO MATTER what the circumstances -- read that again, NO MATTER --- when you are on the business end of a shotgun, keep a cool head.
    ONLY a wanna-be bad-ass would do what the victim did. And he got exactly what people who attack a man with a gun pointed at them SHOULD get.

    And I don't know if it's true, but if was "jogging" 17 miles from his house, the story isn't being fully told.
    But, of course, THAT doesn't fit into the racial firestorm the media wants to pursue.
    Bring it now, but use your name.

  15. More videos came out of him being recorded multiple times in that property at night.

  16. 857 check your fruit loops cereal box. Believe its expired. Justified is a tough word to use regardless of his aggressive nature.

    Why? The two other men had guns. Did they "honestly" need to shoot? And who shot him? They guy is was wrestling with or the guy up in the truck?

  17. Watch the video, he is attacking the man with a gun!

  18. 9:44 I did watch the video, let me ask you a question in return. How would you react if you were out exercising and two men with guns started following you in a truck, cut you off multiple times and pointed a gun in your face because they "want to talk to you". You are suggesting that if random citizens with guns approach you it is totally legal and you deserve to die for not wanting to be shot?

  19. Wow, people like 8:57 will decry our "socialist government overreach" and in the same breath suggest that people should be able to hold whomever they want at gunpoint. You are truly an idiot. Usually when you want to call someone an ignoramus you don't want to have grammatical errors in the same sentence.

  20. 9:44 you're right, from now on whenever I see someone jogging I will stop them with my shotgun to ask them some questions.

  21. Please, no one feed the racist. He clearly thinks stopping random people on the streets with guns drawn is okay. I wonder how he would react if he were walking on his street and two people pulled up in a truck and held him at gunpoint?

  22. Great, another racist trying to justify a black man being shot.

  23. Travon Martin was NOT innocent. period...there is a lot of info re: this case that was NOT vetted and discussed. I don't care if a person is purple; it's not right to shoot for no reason, BUT if you are being attacked; SHOOT!

  24. False, no such videos. If there are then provide them. Just another excuse for white people to kill an unarmed black man. Thank goodness you idiots aren't part of our already broken justice system. Monday morning quarterbacks saying that black people should submit to white people with guns trying to arrest them for no reason. Read the Constitution asshats.

    1. There is video on multiple news channel, do some research.

  25. Both sides are to blame. It was not a case of a black man out for a jog being hunted down and shot by two white men. Arbery did go into a home under construction and look around. He did not take anything, a misdemeanor trespass at the most. The two white men should have just called the police to investigate a suspicious person in the neighborhood. They were wrong to become vigilants, let the police do their job. Arbery then did some very odd things that caused this thing to go sideways. First, if you are innocent, stop, call the police yourself, and let the cops sort it out. If he was scared that these armed men were going to kill him, logic would be for him to take off cross country looking for cover. Instead, he ran around the truck, and straight to the son, trying to take the shotgun away from him. He was punching him in the head and pulling the barrel of the gun toward himself. This action may have actually caused the gun to go off if the son had his finger on the trigger. However, these men are the ones who introduced the weapons into the situation, and I think that will cause them to be convicted of manslaughter.

  26. "Anonymous said...
    Please, no one feed the racist. He clearly thinks stopping random people on the streets with guns drawn is okay. I wonder how he would react if he were walking on his street and two people pulled up in a truck and held him at gunpoint?

    May 11, 2020 at 11:10 AM"

    If you are going to comment then you need to be honest. Lying about what happened only proves YOU were raised by filth. Dregs who knew how to make them babies but when it came to raising you animals do a better job then the leg spreader and sperm inserter responsible for the likes of you He wasn't randomly stopped. He was seen going into a house he had no business being in and that is why he was confronted. Again be honest otherwise you are showing you were spawned by useless wastes of air.

  27. "Anonymous said...
    9:44 you're right, from now on whenever I see someone jogging I will stop them with my shotgun to ask them some questions.

    May 11, 2020 at 11:08 AM"

    You people are so dumb. Either dumb or you too are a liar. That is not what happened. He was stopped because he was seen coming out of a home he had no business being in. Confronting him with guns was perfectly legal and that is why no gun charges were imposed. The question is what the shooting justified. It most certainly was and if you are an honest person you will admit it. He became very violent and aggressive toward the man with the gun even as the man was seen backing off. This is why 2 prosecutors declined to charge. It was only until after the trash got involved and we all know how primal and uncivilized they are. They would tear up and burn down the town if charges weren't filed. I don't even call them animals since animals are ore civilized.

  28. 11:25 There is most certainly so a video. I am not YOU or those in your circle who are all liars. If I say it then it's the truth. And you are the asshat. Try reading the Constitution if you can before trying to tell anyone what's in it. It does not address at all what you claim Your public "education" is showing big time The videos of him going into the home he has no business in and the shooting video where he is clearly getting violent toward the man with the gun can be found all over on line and it's not like it's rocket science to find them but I will point you in the direction since it's obviouls you aren't the brightest bulb in a pack. they can be found on Jack Posobiec's twitter page

  29. "Anonymous said...
    9:44 you're right, from now on whenever I see someone jogging I will stop them with my shotgun to ask them some questions.

    May 11, 2020 at 11:08 AM"

    That is not what happened. You need to stop watching the Fake News because you are showing just how low information you are. I advise you if you want to comment then at the minimum know the story. He was stopped because he was going into a house that he had no business being in. I also know you people can't stand the truth and would rather get corvid then be honest but keep in mind you get to that lying you people do constantly around here and your lying arse will get called out. We aren't your good for nothing parents who failed you and allowed you to get away with thaat lying and don't you forget it.

  30. Rather than confront the jogger the appropriate law enforcement agency should have been notified by the two hot heads.

  31. "Anonymous said...
    Rather than confront the jogger the appropriate law enforcement agency should have been notified by the two hot heads.

    May 11, 2020 at 12:36 PM"

    If you think he was a jogger then I have a bridge to sell your dumb arse. Again if you people are going to comment do so with intelligence. The "appropriate law enforcement agency" WAS called as soon as the thug was seen entering a house he had no business going in to. He didn't start "jogging" until he realized people were at the home to see why he was there. They he started "jogging" right out the door and down the road.

  32. Don't bring your fists of rage to a gunfight ✅

  33. Just for the record I've gone into homes under construction many times in my life. I've been confronted in one also by the builder who happened by. I didn't run out of the house like Arbery did. I stayed put and apologized for what amounted to nothing more then being nosy. While I am just nosy I am aware a lot of theft goes on in construction sites.
    The issue here isn't whether confronting Arbery or even pursuing/confronting him with a firearm was legal. That obviously was legal. The issue is was the homicide justified. If it was justified then it's not murder. Homicide and murder are not synonyms. 2 prosecutors declined to prosecute. Charges were only filed after the grand jury came back with a true bill. Everyone's heard the saying a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich. That because it is one sided-the states side.
    The shooting video does without any doubts show the aggressor was Arbery. Now what comes into play is Georgia law. Is there a duty to retreat in that state? Is it a Stand Your Ground state?
    Personally I feel after 2 prosecutors didn't file charges then to take it to the grand jury was unethical. An ethical prosecutor doesn't go fishing. If they think a case is not winable then they are not supposed to file charges. The charges were motivated by the public and that is a true miscarriage of justice.

  34. Got to like the bloggers that know almost nothing about the case have already determined the facts, procedures, laws broken and sentences. Btw did I mention not knowing all the facts. Lol. Morons.

  35. They obviously didn't want him in their neighborhood!!

  36. "Anonymous said...
    They obviously didn't want him in their neighborhood!!

    May 11, 2020 at 8:01 PM"

    No one would have had any idea he was in the neighborhood if he hadn't gone into a house he didn't belong in with security cameras that alerted he was there. When he saw the pickup coming to see what he was doing in the home he went "jogging" full speed ahead right out the door and down the road.


  37. Lots of comments here and elsewhere. Lots of opinions. No surprise; that's what freedom to read, watch, observe and analyze looks like. My two cents, so far.

    Neighbors were looking out for their neighborhood, where apparently there have been some unsolved property crimes. Many neighborhoods here have Crime Watch signs up.

    The house being built had security camera/s which showed the suspect's presence and pathway. Suggests owner or contractor had concerns. New houses are interesting; often there is trespassing by the curious, and also by thieves and vandals. If he or others had been there before that may be on record. Years ago neighbor kids broke into a house my dad was building for us; they splashed paint all over the custom kitchen cabinets which had to be replaced; culprits were found and their parents paid up; very costly plus delay for replacements.

    So there was cause for the neighbors to tail him as he left. They called the police ASAP so that's evidence their intent was to make sure police would know his exact whereabouts when they arrived. The father was retired officer, and had been involved in a violation of probation action against Arbery a few years back that related to a loaded handgun conviction. He might have recognized him, and given his prior record, taking a gun was prudent.

    Supposedly he was just out jogging, but I have seen comments that he was 12 or more miles from his home. That would be 24 miles round trip; for context, the Marathon is 26 miles. I ran distance back in the day with guys who got Big10 scholarships. The jogger thing will not hold up to scrutiny.

    We are not yet privy to this guy's actual life story. We know about arrest for loaded handgun in 2013 at HS hoops game, and 5 years probation. Shoplifting arrest for stealing TV in 2018 triggered the review. What came of that? Jail? Extension of probation? Or nothing? Has he held a job/s? Other arrests? Some commenters elsewhere assert many/most of his family also have criminal records; accurate?

    Finally, the decision to charge and punch at a guy holding a shotgun proved fatal. An innocent man has no reason to fear the arrival of the police, if that info had been shared with him. It's unclear if the cell video has audio that's discernible.

    The specifics of Georgia law come into play, and I'm no expert. Others are. A black, female DA from a nearby county is now in charge of the investigation. Speculating about the tea leaves suggests the mob may ultimately be disappointed. Time will tell.


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