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Wednesday, May 27, 2020


The Wicomico County Health Department will hold free COVID-19 testing. This testing is open to the general public and will take place at Salisbury Middle School (607 Morris St. Salisbury, MD 21801) on Wednesday, May 27th from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Please enter from Morris Street to front entrance parking lot. No appointment or doctor’s referral needed. Interpreters will be on site if needed.

This press release is also to inform all members of the media that this drive-thru medical clinic will not be open for any form of media coverage. Wicomico County Health Department believes the protection and the privacy of those being tested is paramount. We are asking you to please provide our patients the same level of privacy.


  1. Do Not Do This! "Free" means they need more statistics in order to extend the lockdown because new cases are diminishing and the virus is so weak now most who get it remain asymptomatic. Please do not participate in this Democratic fool's game.

  2. "Free" means it's available to the unfortunate people who don't have health insurance or a primary care doctor to order the test for them.
    More information about COVID test results and how it's spreading helps the health care workers provide us with better care.

    1. White House announced two months ago its free to everyone. Try watching the White House YouTube channel instead of talking heads that are voting Soros

  3. I spoke with an employee at the health dept. in Salisbury Md. She told me that the tests are not reliable 50% of the time . She also said that people who are positive should get re-tested because of the reliability . Don't waste your time people , it's all political now . My relative was tested 3 times and the 3rd came up negative , WTF is going on , if you can read please understand that the test we now have are a joke .
    If you get the virus , take tylenol for a few days for fever , after a few days you will be better . Remember , we had 80,000 deaths from the flue last year , no media coverage . This virus is a total bunch of drama crap .
    Salisbury health dept. is another joke , CNA's just like the hospital run the dept. with a 2 week degree in changing bed pans.

  4. I forgot to mention that none of the so called stats. are reliable either . Anyone who has passed away from anything will be put in the stats . New York is guilty of this many times over . Stay home people don't fall for this crap.
    If you are bored watch cops or the first 48 so you can figure out who is doing the most crime in the country , you may be surprised to find out it's 90% blacks and hispanics.

    1. 7:15
      In this Psyop we are pretending they did not inflate the death numbers. We are pretending government does not Lie to us about everything.

  5. I wish you’d do a story on the dirt bikes that are taking over the streets of Salisbury that the police won’t or can’t do anything about. Somebody knows where they live and can post here with out being threatened

    1. Police are not allowed to chase dirt bikes. It’s against policy.

    2. Call Gary Baker. He will stop them himself.

    3. That’s a ridiculous policy ... this platform could help with pinpointing their homes but for now I bought a pellet gun

    4. Non enforcement is promoting it

    5. Ouch !!! ROTFLMAO

  6. No media coverage, Hum. This is not a STD, it's the flu. I think they are just trying to hide something. I would not participate is this venture.

  7. You don't need a test to know if you have the covid 19, you will feel ill. If you're worried about being asystomatic and spreading it, no need to worry, everyone will be exposed sooner or later. Sooner the better to get this disease conquered.

  8. 728 - wow, copycats after seeing relatives do it in DC/Baltimore.

    Never ceases to amaze me.

  9. 7:08 Whoever is telling you that is either a liar or is so incredible ignorant it's not eve funny and they should be fired immediately There is no way in hell the tests are only reliable 50 percent of the time and it's asinine to even think this. Making tests for a virus that is reliable is simple. While you may get a false negative a false positive is very very rare and would most likely be a mistake in the lab. This because the test isn't going to pick up something that's not there. On the other hand false negatives do happen. This because the viral load may not be high enough to pick up on the test. When this happens people can still be positive. Dr's can diagnose other ways including symptoms and especially of someone the person is in close contact with is positive Please don't go around repeating what this supposed person told you. It makes you look incredibly ignorant. And trust me I am one who believes the shut downs and even the mask wearing is/was uncalled for but I do know that to clame what you are claiming is complete and utter stupidity.

  10. 6:20 exactly right. Do not take the test.

  11. go ahead and give them your DNA lol.

  12. 9:22: you might want to do your research. The New England Journal of Medicine just released a report finding testing was producing 14.8% false negatives and 31.8% false positive. So almost 50% inaccurate. Quick google search and a few mins of reading the paper at a reputable medical journal could have told you that. You spent more time writing your reply than it took to find that.

  13. Car ahead of mine the woman threw up and almost got the testing girl!

  14. 12:33 i've been reading the NEJM long before you ever heard of it. I only use reliable sources. Even when the media paraphrases from and at times even quotes a reliable source I go directly to the source to read it myself because often the media is wrong.
    I thought maybe I missed this report you are referencing so went and did a search of their site. Just for the record I've been a subscriber to their site since 2000. Couldn't find any such report. If such a report does exist it was most likely showing why it is imperative that the FDA approves tests before they are distributed for use and not about the tests being currently used in the US.


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