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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Feinstein’s Kavanaugh Comments Come Back To Bite Her

Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA) is facing blowback in response to her attempt to dismiss the sexual assault allegations brought against Joe Biden by his former Senate staffer Tara Reade — particularly in light of Feinstein’s stance on the uncorroborated allegations against Brett Kavanaugh and the senator’s declaration that victims “must be able to come forward only when they are ready.”

As reported by CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju on Thursday, asked about the Democrats’ apparent “double standard” in their response to Reade’s allegations that Biden forced himself on her and penetrated her with his fingers in 1993, a claim for which there is some corroborating evidence, and Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation against Kavanaugh, for which there is no corroborating evidence, Feinstein insisted that the situation is “totally different” and not “comparable.”

“Kavanuagh was under the harshest inspection that we give people over a substantial period of time,” said Feinstein, as reported by Raju.

“And I don’t know this person at all who has made the allegations,” the senator added. “She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years? He was Vice President.”



  1. BS, Feinstein, just BS, you've been caught once again in your Democrat double standard crap.

  2. What a dumb ass

  3. Obviously, unless you are at least a Vice President, she doesn’t listen to you.

  4. Thought that old lady retired long ago. Guess it’s true, they don’t retire, they die in office.

  5. Yet she keeps getting reelected time after time.

  6. that's the Least of this Traitors worries...she needs to go to prison for a long time.

  7. Most females in a leadership position fail as usual.

  8. Kavanugh was innocent but still had to go thru investigation BS and so does Biden.


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