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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Judge Emmett Sullivan, from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000

The confused judge who has unconstitutionally inserted himself into the Justice Department’s case against General Flynn made some actions behind the scene that are just as troubling. 

Judge Sullivan helped Jim Comey get his speaking gig at Howard University for $100,000. 

How much more corruption can America take. The corrupt judge who inserted himself into the General Flynn case, who insinuated the General was a traitor, has a lifestyle that matches his actions in court. 

He’s not only famous for his unethical standards and actions in the Flynn trial, he also ordered that deported asylum seekers must be returned to the US. 



  1. You can bet AG Barr is looking at him

  2. And I'm sure he got a $10.000 kick back.

  3. Judge should be removed from the case. Since he lacks the morality to remove himself then the DOJ should do it for him


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