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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Everyone Should Watch This


  1. He didn't stem the tide, he mostly just gave the shuck & jive you just watched and that he was so good at, while all the time personally promoting racial discord, globalist grooming and Plantation politics with welfare giveaways and promises, promises, promises.

  2. This is definitely a person who has spent a lot of time in front of a mirror, perfecting his style.

  3. Nice Dartboard !!!

  4. That dumb, stupid, vacant expression on Typhoid Barry's face really says it all. I hate to say it but I completely agree with Bill Clinton: "that man is my most hated person who ever existed."

  5. I don't need to watch. I had his number back when he was running for Senate. He is nothing but a lying ghetto hustler who has never done one thing positive his entire life and the only thing worse them him are those that support him. This because good decent people would never support such a dreg of society.

  6. What style he never had any, he was a racist and Al Sharpton's best buddy, he didn't ever stand behind our armed services, 1st responders or veterans, it's no wonder he couldn't produce a birth certificate. he's a traitor to this country and worse president we ever had, he makes Nixon who was actually impeached look better and better as history goes forward, we will learn all the short comings he had, lies he told and laws he broke he needs to take his stupid wife with him and retire in Nigeria or somewhere where maybe they can find his birth certificate with a father named Hussein what do we expect.

  7. I always say that no Republican politician on the national level should ever have to make their own campaign commercials. Just show video clips of the hypocritical left saying their message for them, and then put "I'm Donald Trump, and I approve this message." at the end of it.

    Libs will watch it and listen, because they will see the people with whom they have a slobbering love affair with, and then be heart broken at the end when they realize that they got trolled, Trump making lib politicians responsible for their own words and actions.


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