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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

'Dubya': Maintaining a free society 'depends on the character of its citizens'

Former President George W. Bush penned an essay Tuesday stressing the importance of unity during the coronavirus pandemic, writing that maintaining a free society is dependent on the “character” of its citizens.

“We were not meant to live apart from each other, especially in times of challenge,” the Republican wrote in a piece published in the George W. Bush Institute’s quarterly journal The Catalyst. “Our tools of compassion — a hug, gathering as people of faith or in friendship, caring for our family when they are ill — bring the opposite of the love we intend. Rarely in history have we served our neighbor by distancing from them.

“As Americans, this concept is frustrating and foreign to us,” he continued. “We live in a free nation, but independence from the state doesn’t mean isolation from each other. Our free society thrives when neighbors help neighbors and the strong protect the weak. The success of a nation to uphold that freedom depends on the character of its citizens.”

More here


  1. Stuck up for both sides so said a whole lot of nothing.

    So just STFU!

  2. I use to love him like I do Trump. Now I realize he was not all that. Mom and Dad probably pulled the strings. Be better off to stay in out of the fire and rain.

    1. I’m with you 1:39

      Now let’s bow down and face NY and worship his image

  3. Wow from one of the biggest loser of the NWO clan...the BUSHES. Read dark majesty it will open your eyes to the evils of these deceptive luciferian lying scum bags..skulls and bones is one of the many clubs they belongs to.

  4. I'm curious to know who wrote the commentary for 'Dubya' because what I read he's not capable of composing. As a matter of fact, I'm not convinced he could relate the same to an audience because he couldn't when he was President. I noticed him making grammatical errors time after time like Biden and even on the teleprompter he certainly didn't display his Yale education. I was embarrassed for him and the Country. I wonder who it is that furnishes his material while he reconnoiters his Presidency yet still trying to convince the public he was a thinker. Wow, that's scary!

  5. Who cares what this man has to say...Deep State on steroids/ New World Order proponent/ Never to be trusted again!!!

  6. I don't think some of you understand what Mr. Bush was saying but, before anyone jumps on me, it's just my opinion (to which we are all entitled). I believe he said that the shutdown and social distancing goes against human nature, which we all would likely agree is true. Helping and caring for each other should be our nature - family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc. He did not say we should open everything up - he said that, of course, that is what we all would like so that we can be near and help others. But, if we have good character, we bite the proverbial bullet, abide by the restrictions, and help each other through this pandemic. THAT would show good character which, clearly, is sorely missing in this country. There is nothing socialistic about what he said. It was the truth.

  7. Sometimes it takes a deep breath to remove the angst (which is very high right now) to get back to basics. Yes 1009, calmer heads always prevail going forth.

    Maybe not when everyone is knee deep in it - but long term. We as a nation just haven't had time to take that deep breath or remember the basics in a long long time.

    Its been Monkey tilt since Sept 2001 and the nation is very very tired.


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