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Friday, May 22, 2020

Dr. Siegel warns officials should watch South America ahead of possible coronavirus 'second wave'

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel told "Bill Hemmer Reports" Thursday that U.S. officials should keep an eye on the spread of coronavirus in South America as they prepare for a possible second wave of the pandemic in the fall and winter.

"Today, I don't like what's coming out of Brazil," Siegel told host Bill Hemmer. "They have close to 300,000 cases in Brazil ... but they've had the highest number of cases on record over the last 24 hours, close to 20,000 cases; and Argentina is gearing up."

Siegel noted that South American countries are currently experiencing conditions that would be the equivalent of late November in the Northern Hemisphere.

The NYU Langone internist added that Australia is having better luck containing the spread of COVID-19, but explained that the government there instituted a lockdown very early on.




  1. A second wave is pretty much normal and only to be concerned about if no one was allowed to develop an immunity.People who get it the first time around are the fortunate ones.

  2. Well now , this is really good news , we need another scare like we need another hole in the butt. News worthy , NOT!!!!

  3. This guys involved

  4. A lot of the problem in Brazil is due to their leadership. Research it.

  5. Problem is that this is the area that the illegals are coming from.

  6. South America hasn't really had a first wave, anything south of the equator was in summer and not really impacted by a new strain of seasonal flu. Watching there is useless. Until we as a species develop herd immunity it will continue to spread faster than normal. Once herd immunity is achieved the R-naught will drop to existing flu levels.

  7. "Problem is that this is the area that the illegals are coming from."

    Huh? When was the last time you saw an illegal alien from Brazil? When was the last time you saw ANYBODY from Brazil?


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