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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci's ex-employee, was jailed, finally tells all.



  1. This is excellent. The flu vaccines have made it worse for covid patients. The death numbers are a sham. Fauci is a liar and has profited off of the deaths of many. He doesn’t care about your health or the USA. He cares about power and money.

    1. I said 3 weeks ago he was nothing but a talking head, part of the deep state

    2. Y’all know this is a bunch of fake and made up garbage to try and draw the attention away from Biden’s sexual assault scandal right? This is the doing of the Democrats. It’s all made up. Don’t be so naive

    3. Stop being ignorant it doesn't help anyone

    4. Sorry but not sure WTF Bidens see case has to do with the doctor being a fake yes man,Conscientiously this set scam comes out b4 the election not years ago when it happen.

    5. Who is President Trump unaware of a lot of medical issues. More of where of financial situations. What do you think is going to happen if and when they bring a pharmaceutical company over here that they're going to be in charge of. What do you think Mr A Fauci is going to do with that? That's trouble waiting to happen.

    6. Who's to say that the Democrats are not involved in this as well???

    7. Who are you kidding? Democrats are very involved in this!!!!

    8. Trump trying to distract from his inadequate response to the virus. Fauci made him show that his ego for in the way. Remember Fauci saying that trumps miracle drugs, hydrachloraphin. Lysol and bleach were the answer? Trump only shows people that kiss his arse around him.

    9. Almost Everyone on this board is completely batshit crazy. You think coming up with crackpot conspiracy theories makes you brighter than the average person? It just makes you a crackpot. Trump is totally self-absorbed, vindictive, paranoid and incompetent. But some of you will praise him even with your dying breath (from the virus he let run wild in the country, and did not protect you from). Sad.

    10. Dr. Is on the republican team not democrat. But Dr fauchi won't approve any drug that he can't get a piece of the action from, financially. That's why he shuns any drug on the market already. Someone already owns that drug.

    11. You do know hes been in the same position for the 6 presidents...democrat and Republican... you clown

    12. Trump didn’t do a single thing to let this virus “run wild.” You unfortunately hold no logic, just hypocrisy. All media will go back and fourth because they want you to vote for their side, for their candidate. Stop being so damn naive and listening to the media bashing about trump. The facts are that theres a virus and theres someone to blame, and the administration handled this just as well as any presidential administration would. I source from liberal media AND conservative. You’re a sheep.

    13. And YouTube has since removed the interview sometime over night. Hmmmm

    14. I just saw someone say" the Democrats might be involved in this" are you kidding me?! Of course they are didn't you see the picture of dr. Anthony with Nancy Pelosi! Get real! This whole thing is an attempt to have power over us.. to see how far they can go with their socialist agenda.. were you guys not really listening to the video? Wake the hell up! It's so sad how easily everybody has been so brainwashed


  2. Wow I don't know what else to say just WOW!

  3. This is so confusing! How are we supposed to know who to believe???

    1. Think for yourself. Trust in your own common sense.

    2. Listen.. The truth is right in front of you, do research... honest doctors are calling this out

  4. Damn man, if all this is accurate, we really live in a corrupt world.

    1. You're shocked now... It has always been corrupt hun

    2. What happened to freedom of speech?? Why can’t the public read what is written? What right does Google have to monitor communication it’s a private site and therefore it determines what we read!

  5. And you morons need a whistle-blower to tell you how bad this crap is???? Really???? I keep telling you every GD day on this blog how bad it is and will be if you don't help us fight back and fix it...

    1. Takes a long time for some of the sheep to wake up.

    2. Anytime you Stimulus.. the people are getting screwed. They are giving people 1200 dollars as hush money. Tht wouldn't cover crap.

    3. Your so right it is bad . We do need to fight back . Enough of this Crap ! I’m ready!

  6. Fauci has many many patents and IP on pharmaceuticals... Trace the money and find the answers. Trump only keeps him around to satisfy the sheep... Research Monsanto and Baer too.

  7. The sheep go Bah, Bah, Bah.... Media driven Pharmacy is the most corrupt industry there is. Look at the commercials - WHO is funding them?

  8. Did you hear this woman you morons???? RNA, like I SAID ALL VIRUS HAVE AND ARE EVER CHANGING SO NO VACCINE CAN STOP OR PREVENT IT!!!! That is why you still get sick after the shot!!! And it doesn't help they put a weak virus in the shot to supposedly help you immune system...

  9. 10:31. If someone is profiting off of of vaccines or pharma you should be very wary. Also, if they are tied to Bill Gates, WHO, UN or the CDC be very afraid.

  10. I would believe this woman more than the Fake Fauci. Why is our President giving this guy so much power?

    1. He’s not. Muzzled him so he couldn’t testify in front of the house. Less present at briefings because he tells to much truth . Trump doesn’t like the truth hence this bs video!

  11. Once again...Wake up People. I have never felt comfortable about Fauci and what he was saying all along!

    1. First impressions are lasting impressions. This fauci guy looked and sounded like a snake the first night I saw him on tv.

  12. Utter nonsense. Ask yourself, who's purpose does this slander serve?

    1. Sheeple Sheeple, she has nothing to lose or gain herself, you and i are lay people so if someone who is expert is calling it out... Let's get suspicious of the whole scenario and do research. She was put in prison for nothing... Gagging order for what... Clearly she knew something off

  13. 1031am....Think logically. Why would this person again go out on a limb to expose this stuff? She has nothing substantial to gain by it. What do those trying to stifle her have to gain? BILLIONS. Why would the fbi expend so much effort to shut her down? If she were telling lies they would just let her carry on. Many others have been exposing the same things this woman has said, with different facts and proof. Its long been exposed fbi, cia and half the doj are largely corrupt, even 2/3rds of congress. Peelousy just tried to shut down investigations of this virus's origin...why...because it WILL lead back to nt only fauci but everyone involved, and there are many.
    Ever wonder why hogan said he had to keep the NK test kits away from the Fed's? Maybe every test will purposely give a false positive result. Ensuring the lockdown continues. That 9 million should have gone to purchase Hydrocloriquine in country. But their objective is not saving lives. They dont give one hoot about how much any of us lose or lives for that matter, they need this disaster and fear to continue for as long as possible in order to save their own hides. Thats why they went after Flyn and Trump..to keep from being exposed.

    1. She has much to gain, she is selling a book? With one side or the other, but it is clear they are both selling something.

    2. Your completely high if you think this lady has nothing to gain by coming out with this story! She will make $$$$$$ hand over fist because the country is psychotic with conspiracy theories galore! Yes our government is corrupt, yes big pharma is corrupt, but we still have more freedoms than any country/people in the world!many scientific studies are still performed by genuine scientists who want to help people. Who care about health. Vaccines are not evil, they have risks and benefits like everything. Our society is so polarized to the extreme they cant see reality.

    3. I saw this video a couple of weeks ago . But it was about vaccines and Dr Fauci with Bill Gates that women was put in jail , scared her husband but it was over an hour long. This was part of that video but a husband and wife did th interview it was removed shortly after I watched it . This will probably be removed soon too!

    4. A book deal aside, she's going to be a multimillionaire just from her GoFundMe page.

  14. 10:31 you research for yourself and don't listen to conspiracy bulls*** from either side.

    1. Spot on, turn off your tv and the mockingbird media.

  15. She has been out for weeks!

    Come on, I thought Biden was the only
    Slow Joe.....

    1. 11:59. Yes, she’s been out for weeks but not on any MSM. Instead of criticizing why don’t you help educate people. People are finally starting to wake up!

    2. Can anyone figure out who the doctor is talking in the second half of the video? I like to know my sources and verify credibility.

    3. One of the doctors on the video who questioned the treatment guidelines. Is a doctor in maimonides hospital in Brooklyn

    4. One of the doctors in the video practices in maimonides hospital in Brooklyn, hard hit by covid-19

  16. The CDC did the same thing with Chronic Lyme Disease. There are several on the board of CDC who are waiting on patents. Once they have the patents they will finally admit how bad Chronic Lyme is and how many people have it. But until that time they say there is "no such disease." Meanwhile the ones of us who have it drive our self into bankruptcy trying to pay for treatment. Because the CDC does not recognize the disease insurance will not pay for it. They worked on it at Deitrich also and the NIH was involved.


    1. Trump created this,which is why it is out now. Trump trying to discredit Fauci because Fauci tells too much truth.

    2. Hahahahaha, you funny

  18. I believe what she is saying in the video. I know of a PA who was local who was treating children with a holistic approach with their autism and was helping them. (She is also for medications as well, not just a holistic approach) She also spoke out in DC with concerns about vaccines especially with children. When she got back home, the Feds knocked on her door. They took all her records and eventually took her license. I met this person several years after this had happened and I can tell you she save my son's life from Lyme's disease when no one else would or could help me. I went from doctor to doctor and was even accused of abuse while my son continued to decline. If I had not found this PA, my son would have died and I am thankful for her daily that she was willing to risk what little she had left to help me.

    This stuff happens, and it is sickening. I hope people wake up and fight this. It is probably our last chance to make a difference. Our freedoms depend on it. Bless this lady for risking her life and that of her family to just put the information out there. It is up to all of us to research it and come to our own conclusion.

  19. EXPOSED !! ..Or As We Say : BUSTED !

  20. Just let me know when the book is Available !

  21. The one I can't get over is your local golden boy Azar. This guy is no better. His whole career has been making millions for himself and his IVY league classmates.

    1. Azar is a f'ing snake in the grass. He's definitely an example of what is wrong with our society. Isn't he a Yale graduate?? Nothing like forming those "secret" bonds and then going to work for big pharma ripping off Americans with ridiculous prescription drug costs all the while making himself and his college buddies wealthy. He's no better than the heroin and crack dealers running rampant in the streets of America

  22. I swear I will never get another flu vaccine as long as I live. Glad I didn't get one this year. He is a crooked little weasel who is in it for the money, and nothing more. Don't believe anything quack Fauci says. He is a liar and scoundrel.

    1. and he's tied in with Bill Gates, you know who wants to give us all a vaccination and insert a electronic device into our skin

  23. All I can say I Told You So and Now the Truth is Out. At the begining of this Covid-19 we didn't know anything about it, very little information and very scary news from China, Italy and so on.
    Now, after 3 months, We have tons of information, but the narrative of the propaganda is still the same. Deep State, Fauci & Birx included, DEM Party and D.C. Swamp and Lame Stream Media are all telling us, the citizens, Stay Home, You Are Under Lockdown. In the meantime they are releasing criminals from jail out on the streets, does that makes sense to you? " And today the slimey Guv. of California proclaimed Mandatory Vaccinations or Lockdown will continue. And who is in charge of theses Vaccinations? If you guessed Bill Gates and Tony Faucci, you are correct! Is Gates a doctor or microbiologist? No, but he is damn good expert on microchips. WOW ,what a "coincidence"? Not. Listen sheeple, these Evil Powers have a plan and It Is Not about mine or your well-being, so open your eyes,turn off the Propaganda Box aka TV and start doing some citical thinking using your own common sense. At the end only one questions remain:
    Can You Handle the Truth when It All Comes Out?

    1. Wow, trump has you right where he wants you. Believing his crap. Despicable!

    2. Hahaha! A friend of mine posted about this, so I decided to investigate...

      Just... Wow! WTF is wrong with you people?? Deep state, Dems this and that... Bahaha! These have to be either Russian trolls or complete idiots.

  24. This is the type of post made by trolls (Russian, Chinese) to create distrust and undermine western governments and medical experts. Other than this ‘interview’ there are no other supporting reports out there. This is how trolls work.... they publish a damning story about something and know there are some people who will believe it and share it with others.... and it is working.

    1. So agree ...have the stuff you read on facebook, YouTube, Instagram are nothing but scammers and trolls

  25. This is the type of post made by trolls (Russian, Chinese) to create distrust and undermine western governments and medical experts. Other than this ‘interview’ there are no other supporting reports out there. This is how trolls work.... they publish a damning story about something and know there are some people who will believe it and share it with others.... and it is working.

    1. The whole "Russian trolls" thing is a scam for you to distrust the truth when it's right in front of you (like right now in this video). Wake up.

    2. So true Pedro, people are sheep and have been for years.

    3. There is a new story every day “debunking” the coronavirus or supposedly exposing corruption behind it and none of them have legs. This is the same. This will disappear by the weekend, as it should. This doctor was not looking to help people as much as she was just trying to repair her image.

  26. oh no, you can't post this. I was blasted for posting this was told I was a liar I was spreading rumors. The idiot that told me this was Michael H C McDowell a hero in his right mind 2 what's going on. He's got all these credentials ,he's worked with the Bill Gates Foundation he's worked with the World Bank, he's so clever. Of course as usual he got offended and blocked me oh well can't stand the truth

  27. They have installed signs in my area saying stay away from other people. These are concretted in posts. The idea is to keep us from gathering and to only listen to media, not have rational discussions in groups in real life. This is all part of a greater scheme to see what they can get away with. Stimuls checks ha payed with your own money, while billions are syphened off to go who knows where.

    1. The signs need to be pulled out of the ground by 4x4 pickups at night, just saying ....

  28. Don't question who to believe! Read Psalms 91 & pray to God!! He will protect you from the fodder & viruses!!

  29. I dont know if Fauci is guilty of this stuff. I do know Trump is a real crook/scammer n those of you express how much common sense you have please look at his history n his fathers. Of course "some"of you will love what he did in AC n to contractors n workers!

  30. I was a slave for the government for 4 years, saw things that were totally abhorrent to me morally and ethically. All for the good of the nation I was told! same thing the cnicomms and russians do. Only we do it for all the right reasons was what I was told! I know how corrupt these people are! now tie up the political class with the corporate owned media, along with elites and big pharma and take a look at the witches brew and what it can do!
    We are all screwed if we don't start demanding a change from our political overlords! they are n bed with all these entities for loads of cash! Hope they all burn in hell!

  31. The russians? some of you folks are so stupid. American squashed by big government and big pharma and you think the russians are behind it? what fools!

  32. Has anybody checked the source of this video or verified its content as fact? Gotta check everything these days...

    1. Facebook is pulling the video down. What more proof do we need now? Our Over-Lord Zuckerberg decided what's best for us.

  33. Can’t trust the swamp it’s corrupt.

  34. Oh boy, the gullible and moronic right being maipulated by Russian trolls again....u can't fix stupid

  35. One of the most inane, degenerate comment sections I've ever seen. Didn't even bother watching the video; these comments speak volumes all by themselves...

  36. Wow, I can't believe the stupidity in here. Just wow.

  37. I was in nursing school a while ago. I had a profesor which was a doctor and he always said not to get the flu shot. It is proven that those who get the shot get sick more often and worst than those who doesnt get it. Read and look for facts. Stop letting people fool you and blind you. Media is a show. Money talks!!! If you think the government is not capable of doing so much damage to the people just to make a profit out of it, you are wrong. Open your eyes.

  38. One thing this pandemic has reinforced in me is to be more loving, forgiving and less judgemental. One political party is no better or worse than the other one. People, not political parties, are corrupt.

  39. Another conspiracy theory. I never trust a source with just one perspective. Lets hear a balanced story, both sides at the same time. That is how you sift through the BS. Not by just listening to one side.

  40. 3:45 & 3:49 same person, who believes that some Russian and Chinese trolls "manipulated" minds of 100 millions of Americans on Election night and "Stole" the victory from Crooked Hillary. Wait, is that's Pelosi's talking points- Yes, Russians, the Russians Did It !! OMG, Really?

  41. So true. He’s an egomaniac.

  42. This is all bullshit put out by conspiracy theorists. Get a life

  43. To hear this woman and the few selected doctors in that video talk you would think that all we need is a healthy immune system that is constantly exposed to bacteria and viruses, and everything will be A-OK. But that's not really how it is, is it?

    A healthy immune system didn't protect people from the Bubonic Plague, did it? A healthy immune system didn't protect people from the Spanish Flu almost 100 years ago, did it? Or Polio. Or Leprosy. Or Measles. Or Shingles. Or hundreds (thousands) of other ailments and diseases that we now have vaccines and cures for.

    Are the pharmaceutical companies making money? Sure. It's a business and this is a Capitalist society. They are entitled and expected to make money. It takes A LOT of money to do research and come up with new solutions. Just look at the billions and billions that the automakers spend on R & D. Are they corrupt too?

    Are there some bad actors that are in it for themselves? Sure. That happens in every business and every government. Every single one. Would you rather have this type of research being done by the by the Federal Government or by pharmaceutical companies? What other choice is there? I'm sure that exceptional research was done in Soviet USSR back in the day. What could go wrong there. How would that be? Would that be acceptable? What would be?

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Trump created this,which is why it is out now. Trump trying to discredit Fauci because Fauci tells too much truth.

    May 6, 2020 at 9:17 PM

    Wow, you and a few others jaw jacking on here are the reason, one of, this country is such a mess. I know a lot of ppl in this area are a little slow and backward but damn. You chuckleheads take it to a whole different level.

  45. 5:24 Here is your answer - the Video has been removed for Violating YouTube's Terms of Service. And you know who Controls the YouTube, right?

  46. Was took down by YouTube last night. Conspiracy Fiction IS NOT HIDDEN THIS QUICKLY..... lol .... if it was fake news it would be headlining ..... yet another life that is being martyred for someone else’s gain.

  47. if she names names in her book then she's either guilty of slander or not! Must be nice to be so ignorant of how our government works that some of you folks trust them. I can put up a whole litany of times when our government used the citizens as nothing more then pawns to push their agenda!
    just remember ignorance is bliss!

  48. This poor woman was so completely destroyed by a business and Dr Fauci and his buddies. This needs to be carried on every channel by the media but we know it won't make it.

  49. Unfortunately they removed the video for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines! Obviously someone is trying to stop the message from getting out there.

    1. It's been removed more than once. Many have downloaded it. It's not going away.

  50. May 7, 2020 at 12:07 AM

    Oh, if only it were that simple. People with healthy immune systems can die along with people with weakened immune systems. With a healthy immune system, one has a better chance of fighting diseases/infections thereby increasing their chances of survival. People with a weakened immune system will be more susceptible to contracting disease/infections and a larger chance of dying from the same.

    Also, you may have heard of 'herd immunity'. That is when most get exposed to the disease/infection and their bodies' natural ability to fight it increases. But that 'immunity' is delayed because of the social distancing guidelines won't allow the 'herd' to acquire that immunity sooner.

    In other words, we are hurting ourselves by delaying the inevitable. Most, if not all, deaths are attributed to older, more vulnerable persons with underlying health issues, co-morbidities.

    1. Listen to this guy/gal!! This is true on many levels!!

  51. I’m a lunatic! Read Revelations the last book of the BIBLE!

  52. When a crisis/major catastrophic event hits.. follow the profiteers! Very easy to tell who is/was involved! In this case it's Fauci once again along with his gang of puppets who all get paid to keep their mouths closed! It's really not that hard to figure out.. Heck.. go back and listen to his speech in the fall of 2017.. he tells on himself.. he verbally states there will be an outbreak in the next couple of years and he says he guarantees it.. I mean come on man.. it doesn't get much simpler than that!!

  53. Joe, your link only brings me to your FB page.. Youtube and FB are doing everything they can to keep this info from getting out, I know you said you will have the video, I would love a link so we all can plaster FB and Youtube with it.


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