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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dershowitz: Judge should dismiss Flynn case or be impeached

Liberal legal scholar blasts delay after DOJ dropped prosecution
Judge Emmet G. Sullivan should dismiss the case against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn or face impeachment, contends Harvard Law emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz.

The Justice Department filed a motion last week to dismiss the case, but Sullivan has refused to sign off on the order. Instead, he has invited third parties to submit friend-of-the-court briefs in the case.

The DOJ moved to dismiss at the recommendation of a U.S. attorney assigned to review the case and after the unsealing of documents that confirmed Flynn's claim that he was framed by the FBI.



  1. I was thinking the same thing. Emmet Sullivan has been a whacko at times, and that's not all that unusual, but this is-- he's well over the line.

    Impeach him.

  2. Civil War on Dems is Coming.

  3. It's time to investigate his personal life and contacts and that will probably make things more clear.

  4. The judge is probably being threatened.


  5. Impeachment, as we recently watched, begins in the House. A member might initiate that step but Pelousy won't act. Sullivan is a Democrat carrying Democrat water so there will be no action. His actions are infuriating and contrary to actual justice, not that he's bothered by that. As bad as he is, his actions are probably not grounds.

    IIRC only 8 Federal judges have been removed via impeachment since the Constitution took effect. One of them, Alcee Hastings, who accepted bribes, was later elected to Congress from FL; he is still in office. Guess his party and other demographics.

    Flynn's counsel will need to seek remedies from Sullivan or higher up the judge food chain.

  6. Even federal judges must answer to somebody. They need to dismiss him!!


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