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Friday, May 08, 2020

Democrats will unveil a 'Rooseveltian' coronavirus rescue package

Chuck Schumer said Thursday that Democrats are looking to pass a relief package as massive and far-reaching as those implemented during the Great Depression under then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

'We need Franklin Rooseveltian-type action,' the Senate Minority Leader told MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle during a three-hour coronavirus special Thursday. 'And we hope to take that in the House and Senate in a very big and bold way.'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during her weekly press briefing Thursday morning that the next COVID-19 relief package will include an expansion of SNAP, the federal food stamp program.

Schumer, during his interview, compared Republicans, including Donald Trump, to former President Herbert Hoover, who was at the helm at the start of the Great Depression.

'The people like McConnell and McCarthy and even Trump who say let's wait and do nothing, well, they remind me of the old Herbert Hoovers,' Schumer said, referencing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.



  1. πŸ–•πŸ–•All about Welfare πŸ–•πŸ–• them.

    1. So the corporste welfare boondoggle gop ran to was better?

  2. Schumer has actually done something? I must have missed it.

  3. Many of us would not be here today without the " New Deal " and you'd all better hope for a present one. Instead of handing out stimulus checks we should have a plan to completely modernize our crumbling infrastructure and come up to par with other Modern first World Societies putting people to work Nation Building. If any of you traveled you'd see clean streets effective highways and connective public transportation and not just abandoned old Malls and dated shopping centers and people addicted to shopping and buying useless crap from China that you pay to abandon in land fills. Keep loading your guns and waving your flags or take a real stand and demand to participate in the free world.


  5. High Desert DawgMay 8, 2020 at 9:01 PM

    What's that noise?? It sounds pretty familiar...Oh yeah, it's the sound of OUR brave, elected republican officials CRACKING already....just wait my fellow conservitives, im pretty sure we're gonna hear our elected republicans giving in to the Democrat demands ONCE AGAIN! Then they'll all go running onto Fox pounding their chests about thec1 thing the Dems handed to them, but not say a word about the 10 items they surrendered! I sure hope I'm wrong, but so far, I'm not hearing ANY of them saying NO MORE! I guess we'll find out whenever Chuck & Nancy decide.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Roosevelt and his communist spies among his administration as well as his communist wife, are not the best example of where we should go as far as national policy, recovery efforts, etc. Do some research and you will find that he was an egotistical, manipulative sociopath who was so impressed with his own brilliance he could not see the damage he caused. I fully believe from my research, that he allowed the Pearl Harbor attack so he could get the support of the American people to go to war. There is significant indications that his policies prolonged the depression and that his socialist policies, in the long run, were failures. His announcement of requiring “unconditional surrender” for Germany prolonged the war and cost many more lives. He unilaterally announced that policy at a time when Germans were attempting to depose Hitler and end the war. That policy resulted in Germany deciding it had nothing to lose and to fight to the bitter end. Just remember that all the fluff you have been fed regarding WWII, the victors write the history and avoid inclusion if material unfavorable to their image. Briton, France and the US were responsible for war crimes just as serious as those of Germany.


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