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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Democrats propose virus aid to send $2,000 to Americans each month

Democrat senators have released plans for a coronavirus relief package to send $2,000 to each American every month until after the pandemic is over.

Senators Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey introduced a bill Friday to send a direct payment of $2,000 each month to people who make less than $120,000, as record job losses have left millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet.

Unemployment hit historic highs this week, with the US economy losing a staggering 20.5 million jobs in April - the steepest plunge since the Great Depression.

The Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act put forward by the three Democrats aims to expand on the $1,200 stimulus checks sent to Americans as part of March's $2 trillion CARES Act, which many say has not gone far enough in supporting households ravaged by the economic toll of the pandemic.



  1. No, this is not a good idea. The Government NEVER GIVES you anything. We all are already are going to pay dearly for that $1,200, don't need any more.

  2. Even MORE reason to not go back to work, right??? WOW... let's keep Americans on the democrat/ socialist teet.

  3. No no no more Welfare this is what the Dems want Socialism forever it Won't Stop and they won't go back to work bc that's what they Want.

  4. Yes lets do it. Who cares if our grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren live in poverty the rest of their lives.

    It is amazing that we have Senators that are so stupid. They don't realize that money doesn't really grow on trees. Someone has to buy those bonds. Now that China's economy is going down the drain who will buy out treasury bonds that we issue for all this debt.

    Only two things can happen if we keep this behavior going either we go into a very deep depression or inflation goes crazy as in the mid to late 70's.

  5. Bring it on! Anybody need my account transfer number?

  6. That's ridiculous. They are trying to destroy America. Open up and let us work.

  7. if you make more than $75000 you don't need the $2000

  8. Why not $5000?


  9. Sounds cool, I hate working.

  10. Civil war coming to the socialists SOON.

  11. Yes and what else is tucked away in this latest relief package?? Oh you guessed it let's give the postal service another 50 billion dollar "reward" for stellar mismanagement

  12. A family of 5 would receive $10,000 a month for 1 year. I don't make that much and I worked 40 years. What do you do with the money if no one is producing products to buy. It is so scary that Democrats want to do this.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: This means that they will be giving me back some of the money they confiscated from me in taxes that is usually spent on projects, programs and pure pork that I don’t agree with?

  14. Really? Why not give them the keys to the Treasury. That way when its empty they can blame that on Trump too. If this happens then Covid-19 will never be over.

  15. You might as well put a sock in the conservative values, there is no choice. Even with the economy fully reopened many of the jobs are not coming back. At least not immediately. You are left with a situation where those who work put their lives at risk while those who can not find a job get paid with no risk. You can not simply do nothing. All will get it until things recover, that is fair, and those working will have more.

    @10:17, your rhetoric is tired. You cry wolf too many times and no one pays attention to it any more.

  16. Is this real? Please say it’s “fake news” omg where is this Monopoly money going to come from ? SSI is dunzo, there is no where for this money to come from , are we just randomly printing money now? If so, just send everyone a printer with instructions to just print what you like when you need it and don’t worry about the repercussions. And yes I know this comment makes as much sense as sending out that money, my brain just exploded

  17. FU I'll make my own money. Just f-off with that banter.

  18. Well Clem, I reckon we best start plantin' them money trees.

  19. You'd think that they'd want to give people an amount close to the average income instead of near the bottom. $24K a year turning people into dependent poor. If you're going for government control, this is how to take us into socialism.

  20. So teachers for example who are still getting paid full salary will get an extra 2,000 a month. This makes no sense if there were very stringent criteria they might have a better argument.

  21. People don’t want to work now this will ensure the destruction of small businesses and part of the elites plan for the one world government.

  22. How about anyone who wants can waive the handout & open their business. The others can spend their $$ on businesses like yours.

    Pay your employees a living wage so the “free” money won’t be enticing.

  23. NW yep yep. By the bye...why discriminate about how much one makes...I mean so what? Will not THAT bring on lawsuits too?

    When did CONgress stop representing us? We r the ones who elected them.


  24. Wake up people!! All elected officials, local State and federal are trying to pass as much garbage as possible to steal as much money as possible before this nation descends into financial collapse

  25. This is a HUGE step toward socialism. Give everyone money for nothing, take it away, and watch inflation bury everyone except the very rich.

  26. Absolutely unbelievable that anyone thinks this is a good idea along with mail in voting, Saul Alinski has done his job.

  27. No. I want to work to give people something of value and earn my own money in return. It heals my soul.

  28. The Democratic party is up to something very very big to be willing to give 2000 month. What's this one going to cost 5 trillion dollars and 1/3 or more just magically vanishes??

    1. They want votes in november 7:49, not really that hard to figure out.

  29. Send me $2K a month and I will be retired! Combined with my SS payout, I'll never go back to work.

  30. ALL of this countries problems are to be blamed on the democrats. This whole virus thing is a conspiracy against Trump, make it look bad with the election coming up, when he has done more good for this country than any president we have ever had. Obama destroyed it.....Trump put it all back together and made it great again! He could and would do so much more if the democrats would get off his a$$ and let him do his job. All of the stuff going on in this country that is bad is caused by the democrats.

  31. It's only for three months

  32. Congress had Better APPROVE IT this week !!! it is needed !!! FACT

  33. Govt better WAKE UP & keep paying the Workers (middle class ) instead
    of the Big Boys ( Big Bus ) !!!! every month !!!!

    People are Broke & Ruined Now already , & Civil Unrest is coming !!!!

    Govt needs to order Banks Can't foreclose / renters can't evict / credit
    cards have to put off payments 6 months or more / No reporting to
    credit bureaus / No Taxes for Govt assist checks & Unemployment $$


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