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Friday, May 01, 2020

Cuomo Finally Orders Deep Cleaning of New York City Subway Trains

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) this week ordered the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to develop a comprehensive cleaning plan, which includes nightly cleanings, for New York City subway trains — an order that comes over a month after the Chinese coronavirus began wreaking havoc on the city.

“Any essential worker who shows up and gets on a train should know that that train was disinfected the night before,” Cuomo told reporters, asking MTA to provide a plan for the deep cleanings by Thursday.

“It’s realistic. It’s an essential. How realistic is it? What’s the alternative?” Cuomo said of the state funding the sanitization efforts.

Cuomo’s order comes as New York’s homeless flock to the subway stations, with pictures showing homeless people sleeping on empty trains — images that caught the attention of the governor:



  1. Third world countries have cleaner areas then nyc. Gross.

  2. I'm about sick of all these governors orders. If this doesn't go right these governors are going to be up shits creek.

  3. Put $193.2 million in the siot and pull forward at the green light. Leave all of your windows open.

    Do you want a receipt?

  4. True to form, a day late and a dollar short.


  5. Comrade DeBlowsie was too busy breaking quarantine to exercise to think of this.

  6. Should start with Fredos Tunnel lol

  7. They should use Firehoses on the homeless they stink bad! There is a smell in the subways of NY and it is from those stinky people!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I have never used subways but I’m sure they are breeding grounds for all sorts of bacteria and viruses. Most humans are not concerned with unsanitary conditions and personal hygiene. What concerns me and my friends and family is being trapped inside a commercial airliner for hours breathing recirculated air and sitting in seats, touching armrests and tray back tables that have never been sanitized in the entire life of that aircraft. Four out of every five times I fly commercial, I end up with some sort of respiratory infection that has me coughing for weeks. The worst ever was after a five hour flight to DC in early January. I’d almost be tempted to drive the next time I have to go there.


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