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Monday, May 18, 2020

Cuomo Defends Nursing Home Policy: 'Older People, Vulnerable People Are Going to Die'

New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo is under fire for his disastrous policy of sending elderly Wuhan coronavirus patients to nursing homes. President Trump even approved a temporary hospital at New York City's Javitz Center to house and treat coronavirus patients. The president also sent a floating hospital packed with emergency supplies to New York to make additional space. But with a fawning press behind him, Gov. Cuomo decided in all his wisdom that elderly people, sick and contagious with the Wuhan coronavirus, should be sent instead to nursing homes full of other elderly, vulnerable people. The policy went on for weeks. The press was probably too busy looking for bad news about hydroxychloroquine to question the governor's deadly directive.

"He worked it out so we always had available beds. Nobody was deprived of a bed or medical coverage in any way," Gov. Cuomo said on Sunday in defense of his nursing home policy. "And still, people died. Still, people died. Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can't keep everyone alive."



  1. He is one dumb son of a bitch.

  2. Reap what ye sow.

  3. Yes Cuomo older people are going to die - but with dignity. You haven't shown any empathy for NY's elderly. Not surprising. Your whole family is a joke.

  4. What monstrosities of PURE EVIL the Cuomo pigs are. Their characters stink SO BAD it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoire, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. This family of political swine are 100% medically provable psychopaths. No ifs ands or buts about it.

  5. It's all about the %%%%'s. This was happening in the mostly if not all Medicaid funded nursing homes. While they are labeled as not for profit the CEO's and other upper management of these nursing home conglomerates are making huge salaries. cuomo and other governors were NOT about to let the nursing homes take a hit. T Democrats who are ALL liars and the worst kind of scum walking the face of the earth could care less about a life when money is involved and any that says other. Democrats would rather see old people suffer what was a lingering horrible illness uncontrollable fevers and chills and sweats, Coughing that wouldn't stop, drowning in their own fluids for days upon days on end until God mercifully called them home-then allow any big donor to lose any money. The only thing worse then democrat politicians are the filth that votes for them.

  6. Yes 8:06, these nursing homes get tax dollars for all he people they cram in. People who are elderly, and the mentally/physically disabled are no exception. These places have low-quality staff. Most of the good staff move on quickly because they realize they have better potential and it is hard to work with those incompetent co-workers. I've seen it, other family that have worked in these places have seen it also. They are left there and forgotten. Sadly, not everyone who has an elderly relative can afford to stay home with them, most working people can't pay their bills unless they are full time. It's sad because they are in a rock and a hard place. I wish there was a better way. Cuomo is a complete tool!

  7. No worse than the health secretary in PA who moved his/her mother out of a nursing home into a hotel before sending covid patients to nursing homes.

  8. Cuomo issued a policy that had the same effect on the nursing homes as the medieval invaders that would use catapults to launch rotting bodies over the walls of compounds under siege. The idea was to infect the defenders with disease from the rotting corpses within the compounds. Cuomo "threw" those elderly that were infected with the virus, right out of the hospital into nursing homes. Cuomo mandated that it be done. He should be held responsible for killing those most at risk by his actions and mandate. He is the most responsible one for the astronomical amount of deaths from the virus in NY nursing homes.

  9. WRONGFUL DEATH SUITS should be in the hundreds against Cuomo, since he gave the order. History repeating itself again. Is this not what Hitler done by killing the elderly, sick children and the ones not meeting his criteria.


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