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Friday, May 01, 2020

Covid-19 Testing in Wicomico County

118 tested the second hour...total tested 271 as of 1 PM.


  1. 1700 new infections yesterday.

  2. Finally....they are doing their job instead of sitting at home.

  3. All non-essential LOCAL STATE and FEDERAL personnel should NOT be getting paid for sitting home on their

  4. They would have to test 7500 people every minute of every hour of every day for a month to test every person in the country in a month. BTW if the test cost only $10 per test it would cost over $3 billion to test everybody once. At the end of the month what would we do then? This whole shutdown has been one of the most stupid things I have ever seen. Every government official is just reacting like a chicken with their head cut off. Testing is not accomplishing a thing.

  5. And I will bet all of the money in my bank, that out of those 271, that 75% of them will be positive right???? if not all of them right?????

  6. 1:33 yes when you now have more testing in place we will recognize that more people test positive. This is what the responsible doctors have been saying all along. Unfortunately you have only been listening to the doom and gloom. Did you happen to notice that the number of people hospitalized went DOWN yesterday. I can only assume not because all I am hearing is that the world is ending. Open it up

  7. I bet they where all Ebt welfare people.

    1. Would it matter? Seriously.

    2. Yes it does bc Sent welfare contribute ZERO YO SOCIETY so I kind of agree with Bill gates on Population Control lol.


    3. So much for the all life matters mantra. I guess that only suits you when convenient. Kind of like a Democrat.

  8. So who pays for this? Is it Medicare for seniors, bill it to China or what?

  9. In booth two

    Jake Days wifes in there giving more than tests

  10. Apparently some of you commenters are not aware that this testing was for essential poultry workers and their families only.

  11. I thought only people with symptoms with a doctor's prescription could be tested. Not just anyone.

  12. If you are tested positive -then what? Do you stay home and you receive 2 weeks pay? Why do you wanted to be tested if you are healthy?

  13. Poultry workers look to have nice vehicles in line there. The Haitians and Latinos learned from the blacks the more your squeal the more grease for the wheel you get.

  14. May 1, 2020 at 8:34 PM - Apparently you are not aware that this testing was for Everyone since Smallsbury doesn't have a processing plant.

    1. Actually it was for poultry workers and their families. What about Perdue isn’t that a poultry plant in Salisbury?

  15. Because collecting a DNA sample on everyone is a GOOD thing!

  16. Hey 6.15 am What the heck do you think they do at Rt 50 and Willow Skreet in Da bury? Thats Perdues first pole tree processing plant opened in 1968. The great smell of chicken guts and blood has perfumed Da bury for over 50 years.


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