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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Covid-19 Stats Wicomico and Worcester (Nursing Homes)


  1. So far, 36% of deaths in the county were among nursing home residents. If we had concentrated on them, instead of on policing the ordinary actions of healthy young people, we could have better protected the vulnerable.

  2. So when the mass testing numbers do come out everyone needs to remember don't panic. Remember almost everyone recovers without medical intervention and the testing done over the weekend focused on poultry processing workers and those who come in daily close contact with them. Unless you are in this group don't stress out over increased numbers as far as your health is concerned Be cautious and aware but don't be afraid.

  3. Taking out the weak and the elderly, population control just ask Bill Gates.

  4. "Anonymous said...
    So far, 36% of deaths in the county were among nursing home residents. If we had concentrated on them, instead of on policing the ordinary actions of healthy young people, we could have better protected the vulnerable.

    May 6, 2020 at 12:33 PM"

    In NJ over 50 percent. To your 36% you can add a double digit percent to those who came into contact with those people-visiting family members, health care providers within the facility. So that takes the percent up near 50.

  5. I am glad to see nursing homes are now reporting the real numbers. Up until today they were not telling the truth about the number of staff or residents who have contacted the virus. Now that they are telling the real story maybe they will give all employees the proper equipment and make sure they all get hazardous pay for what they are doing. As of now they are not being protected and they are not getting paid accordingly.


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