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Monday, May 11, 2020

Coronavirus DID leak from a Wuhan lab, Australian China expert claims, as he details why wildlife wet market theory 'doesn't stack up' and accuses Beijing of a cover-up

A respected author and China expert claims bombshell evidence suggestscoronavirus must have leaked from a Wuhan laboratory - not from wildlife wet markets.

'The argument that the coronavirus emerged from the South China Seafood market just no longer stacks up,' Professor Clive Hamilton told Sky News on Sunday night.

Professor Hamilton said the earliest cases of COVID-19 were in people who had no contact with the Wuhan wet market, which was first blamed for the outbreak.


1 comment:

  1. Oooo, shocker. Chinese lost control of the virus and that he world gets sick. Then, the Chinese hide everything and try to spin it and say the US did it. The rest of the world is mad, and China’s economy is about to tank.


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