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Monday, May 11, 2020

Colorado restaurant illegally reopens with no social distancing and hundreds of customers

The armed bouncer appeared friendly, welcoming a local reporter inside C & C Coffee and Kitchen in Castle Rock, Colo., to take video footage of the remarkable scene unfolding inside.

In the restaurant on Sunday morning, in defiance of Democratic Gov. Jared Polis’s executive Safer at Home order, every table was nearly full, according to the footage from Colorado Community Media reporter Nick Puckett. Customers crowded around the counter waiting for their orders. The line to place them went out the door, wrapping around the side of the building.

Almost no one was wearing a face mask. Only a single person among the dozens in Puckett’s footage can be seen wearing one.



  1. Pence is ordering people who meet with him to take off their masks. Idiots.

  2. Stephen King has a lot of creepy stories about a town called Castle Rock.

  3. Tell us about all of your customers Albero. Have you got the virus yet?

  4. Guess the corvo nazis wont be happy when nobody gets sick or dies

  5. What do you mean they "illegally" reopened? How is it illegal? Who decided that?

  6. 1:03 Consider the source, and stories is just what they are, just another name for a fairytale. Good to see a town and restaurant with some balls.

  7. all you mask wavers need to remember a few months ago when they said masks do nothing... you still trust those that dictate health policy

  8. they only told you an N95 mask would not help so the public does not try to buy them up. I am tired of the CDC being dishonest! A face covering will only protect you from giving me the virus but an N95 mask will protect you both ways.

    1. Not if it doesn't have an air tight seal around the whole face, which they don't. These paper and clothe mask are just gimmick to make you think you are safe. Air tight masks, goggles, and changing gloves after touching every item is the only way not to spread viruses, but that is too costly and impossible for us normal people. Face it, everyone is going to get exposed. Some have died, more will. Wash your hands with soap often and live life. Millions of Americans have had the virus and are still alive to talk about it, as will be with most. Let's not hope the government doesn't try to pull this off again in the fall when the annual flu arrives again.

  9. Oh Wild Wonderful Colorado! We dont need no STINKING masks. Where open carry is LEGAL, Concealed carry (upon training) is WILL ISSUE, not MAY issue, and has 21 counties that are 2nd Amendment sanctuaries where our sheriffs, wont enforce unconstitutional laws. Where the air ou s fresh, skys are clear, and the Elk are abundant Ahhhhhhh......

  10. A sonic device that clips on your shirt pocket or hat brim is being developed to divert the virus away from the wearer.It does not kill the virus.It merely eliminates it from your immediate area.

    1. Can the virus sneak up on you from behind 3:42?

    2. What if it is being sprayed on us from airplanes? Will the device work against falling virus?

      Clue: wear a hat outdoors

  11. Sounds like places in Ocean City.

  12. Numbers are dropping rapidly

  13. Northwest Woodsman: What a bunch of indoctrinated fools. Didn’t I just read that the Surgeon General of the United States state that the masks were worthless and could contribute to even further problems. Get over it bed welters, if you can’t be strong enough to stand up to the propaganda, go lock yourself in your basement or other safe-space that I’m sure you have.

  14. Good to see sane individual adults making their way through life. I will be doing this from now on.

    It's been quelled, folks, get over your panic.

  15. And now the Health Department has banned them from opening again for the next 30 days. Take that!

  16. Any bar, restaurant or other business opening up without mandating masks will not only not get my money now, but not ever. I have boycotted Wal-Mart since 2004, so I'm true to my word. This elephant never forgets.

    1. Awesome 5:21, more room for us, the anti mask patriots. Thank you


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