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Friday, May 29, 2020

CNN's Omar Jimenez, former WBALTV reporter, arrested live by Minnesota police

CNN journalist Omar Jimenez was arrested on live TV Friday morning at a site of protests in Minneapolis by state police, despite identifying himself to officers and asking where he and his crew should move.

"We can move back to where you like. We are live on the air here. ... Put us back where you want us. We are getting out of your way — wherever you want us (we'll) get out of your way," Jimenez said before he was led away.

Jimenez worked at WBALTV as a reporter from July 2015 through June 2017.

Jimenez's crew, including producer Bill Kirkos and photojournalist Leonel Mendez, were also placed in handcuffs and arrested shortly after 5 a.m.

Police told the crew they were being detained because they were told to move, and didn't, one member of the CNN crew relayed to the network.

CNN released a statement, saying, "A CNN reporter & his production team were arrested this morning in Minneapolis for doing their jobs, despite identifying themselves - a clear violation of their First Amendment rights. The authorities in Minnesota, incl. the Governor, must release the 3 CNN employees immediately."



  1. Fake news. Yawn.....

  2. Reporters often go to places they don't belong and have to be told several times to move. This crew may have pushed the limit.

  3. Like the mayor said it’s 400 years of oppression

  4. Staged. period!!! When have you ever seen 2 white cops arrest a black reporter...give me a break...critical thinking needed here... false flags will be happening all through the summer months...every 3 wks or so. The deep state will do anything possible to bring Trump down. Soros is paying for Antifa; busing thugs from city to city...Nothing new here. Time is short for the deep state. Covid didn't work so onto something else...you will see...Conspiracy??? no; only if you don't understand the season of time; the lay of the land...

    1. I disagree 8:47, the deep state soros included, is not intelligent enough to create such a well organized coup to destroy Trump. They just fire from the hip without thinking first. It's been happening time after time. You will see if you go back and analyze their past actions. The deep state is not really smart, they have been succeeding for so long because nobody challenged them before. They have been exposed now and don't like it, so they need to take down their exposer which is President Trump.

    2. 10:13
      They are very smart

    3. 8:47- when have I ever seen two white cops arrest a black reporter? Well, that’s a pretty easy answer since everyone just saw it happen all over the news. These days I find that when people call themselves “critical thinkers,” it is usually code for “crazy a** conspiracy theorist.” Not believing what is right in front of your eyes doesn’t make you smarter than everyone else. It just means that you are a fool.

  5. Since when are reporters above the law??

  6. Shut up and follow directions.

  7. Communist new networks..agitators..encourghing voilence and settinf "the stage" king of fake news.
    Were the coverage on obamagate

  8. The statement was released by CNN so everyone knows it's a lie. Their Atlanta studio is a target of the rioters. Oh the glorious irony. They made excuses for the rioters let them suffer the consequences. maybe they all will have to go to the roof and the helicopter never comes.

  9. The Police said to them they were being detained because they were "Told to move, and didn't".
    I understand that. You probably understand that, too.
    Obviously the news crew were the only ones that didn't understand that.
    Or maybe they thought they were above listening to a Police order?

  10. They shouldn't have let him go.

  11. They were obviously confused as to what to do with the news crew. Waiting on instructions but looking stupid in the process.
    Just throw some napalm on the situation, that always helps.

  12. Of course it was staged. There is nothing about CNN that is factual ever.. Just like freido lying and saying he had coronavirus

  13. If it's from CNN, you know it's gotta be true... right? 🙄


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